One of my favorite parts of my job is checking-in with our clients and hearing about the incredible wins they've gotten from our program.

I love it so much, that I even built a custom feed with live updates of our clients' progress each week.

It's a core part of what drives me each day, and why I made it our mission to help our clients grow by over $100,000,000 in revenue.

Today I want to highlight a few from this week.

(These are literally hot off the press.)


The top prize for this week goes to Nirav Suthar, who landed a $120,000 client!!!

(Yeah, you read that right...)

Nirav joined us about a year ago, and the progress he's made has been absolutely incredible, every step of the way. Congrats Nirav on The Big Win!!!
2. Scaling Steady

Next up are Kara, Joanne, and Michael.

Kara booked $4,500 in new revenue. Joanne landed a cool $3k, and Michael also got a great new client from one of his partnership deals.

I love seeing these wins, because they're the steady, scalable engine that drives growth for so many of our clients.


3. A Buried Gem.

Last but not least is Jen, who made an impressive $5,500 just from relaunching an existing product.

And, get this: it wasn't an elite high ticket offer either, but priced at an introductory $29.

It shows how we can help you to mine existing assets in your business, so you can turn them into new, revitalized income streams. 

In my experience, almost every business has a product like this: something hidden within their business that is just waiting to be tapped into, and help you drive growth.

Congrats Jen!


Now it's your turn:

What was your #1 win this week?

If you don't have anything to brag about, give us a call.

We'll help you iron out your marketing strategy, find new opportunities hidden within your business, and help you scale predictably and reliably.

- Bryan