Bryan here (only sending this to select group of subscribers):

I'm looking for a group of 15 business owners who want to mastermind and learn how to hit consistent $10k+ months.


Because I'm passionate about seeing clients get these results:

  • Chad Allen - additional $55k in revenue in 5 months
  • R Blank - went from $10k/month to $40k/month in 3 weeks
  • Chris Jones - tripled monthly revenue to $33k/month
  • Lisa Cressman - had a $50k new course launch
  • Abby Grace - landed $60k worth of new clients
  • Fabiana - hit $12k/month and quit their job!

As you can see above, you will get results. Whether you want to finally quit your day job, or retire your spouse - it's all on the table.

And none of the strategies I teach will require you to: 

  1. Spend a dime on advertising
  2. Miss any dinners with your family

Because 1-on-1 coaching is so important, I limit the number of new clients I take on so your business gets the attention and expertise it needs.

Would you be interested in joining this group?

If so, here's how our vetting process works:

  • Click on the link below to schedule
  • You'll answer a series of brief questions about what you're working on, what you sell, and why you think we'd be a good fit to work together.
  • Answer these as accurately as possible, and be sure your contact info is correct so we can reach you.
  • Once you've filled this out, someone from my team will contact you at the time you scheduled, gather more info, and run through a strategy session with you to see if you'd be a good fit for this group.
  • If there seems to be a mutual fit and you see the value in working together, we can talk about what it would look like to partner together to grow your business.
  • And if there's not a fit on either side, no worries or pressure at all! At the very least you'll be getting free strategy and advice from my team that will help you along the way!

If you're ready to learn from someone who has done what you want to do and cares about your success, let's talk.

Click here to schedule a time on the calendar


PS - Last week alone our clients recorded over 91 wins (in 5 days!)