In this email, I'm going to give you a business idea that's perfect to start during the COVID lockdown. The demand for this product is at an all-time high.

Prediction: Someone reading this will start a $10,000 per month business from this email.

Here is what we'll cover in this email:

  • Why there is so much demand for this product
  • How to make it
  • How to get your first 40 customers
  • How to scale it to 1,000+ customers

Step #1: The Opportunity

Bread baking.

Hear me out…

In the history of the internet, there have never been more people searching for and interested in learning how to bake bread.


Problem: People are at home. Bored. Looking for something to do. Many of them want to make bread. But they don't know-how. And they aren't just looking for free and cheap ways to make bread. Searches on Google and buying volume on Amazon for "bread makers" are at an all-time high as well.

Step #2: Making The Product

The opportunity is obvious.

But what product can you sell in order to help people learn this skill and create a business around it?

Quick brainstorming exercise.

In the other day's email, I taught you 5 questions to ask of any topic to get product ideas flowing.

1. What online course could I create?
2. What service could I provide?
3. What resources could I create?
4. What app could I make?
5. What coaching service could I provide?

Here is what I came up with after doing that exercise:

1. Create a $49 online course that teaches bored millennials how to bake

2. Create a $39 ebook that shows people how to bake sourdough bread and what supplies to buy

3. Create a $500 coaching service that does 1:1 classes via Zoom and walks you through creating your own bread

4. Create a $5 app that gives you recipes, gear guides and allows you to talk to others about their secret bread recipes

5. Create a $99 per month service that sends you 4-5 loves of homemade bread per month along with a recipe card in case you want to try to make it yourself

Then I asked myself these 3 questions to pick the best idea:

1. Which one of these ideas is the most exciting to me?

2. Which of these could I legit help people with?

3. Which of these could I make good money on?

The winner? An online course.

How To Make Homemade Bread (Even If You Need Directions To the Kitchen)

Think about it for a minute:

A cheap $49 online course that takes a total newbie through making their first loaf of bread. 5 videos. A 10 page PDF guide. Affiliate links for the gear. Host it on Teachable.

"But I don't know how to bake bread!"

Even better. Here is your plan:

Learn how to do it by watching Youtube videos and talking to your Aunt Rhonda (the one with the baking obsession). Then distill the process down to something SUPER simple to follow that's nearly impossible to screw up.

Become the baking king of the world.


Step #3: Getting your first 40 customers

You know there is massive demand for this. More than any other time in human history. You take 3 days to learn how to bake. Write down your method. Film a few quick videos with your iPhone that newbies can follow. Load them into Teachable.

Now what?

How do you get customers?

Here is your "first 40 customer" marketing plan:

1. Share the process of you learning to cook on social
2. Pictures every day
3. Show the failures
4. Show the first one you make that is great
5. Give your 2nd loaf away to a friend
6. Have them post a picture and share a few kind words
7. Post on social that you made a course sharing your method
8. Has all the gear, tips and tricks to make amazing bread
9. Share a link to your Teachable checkout page
10. Your mom, dad, sister, and friends all buy and share with their friends

40 customers in less than 7 days from now. $2,000.

100% doable by almost everyone reading this. No experience required.

Step #4: How to scale it to 1,000 customers

What happens next?

- You have a good course.
- Your first 40 customers.
- $2,000 in the bank.

Now how do you make this a $10,000 per month business?

First, do the math: To make $10,000 per month you need to sell 200 units per month.

Second, we need a plan. Here is your plan:

1. Make a list of 100 mom bloggers, Instagrammers and Facebook groups
2. DM and email them all.
3. Give them your course
4. Those that respond, ask them to partner with you

Reach out to 100, 10-20 will do it. Repeat every month. Wok your face off. Within 90 days you'll be at 200+ units sold per month


Want help starting this business or growing your business? We run a 1:1 coaching program that does exactly that. Let's talk and work together.

Book a strategy call with us here
