my mind in a crisis

Most people are good peacetime CEOs but terrible wartime CEOs.

For me, it's the opposite. I am most useful when things are in crisis mode. And since we're in a global crisis right now I think you should listen to this recording and learn how to become a wartime CEO (I share everything I know about it):

🎧New podcast: How to be a wartime CEO

Spoiler alert: You need to think and act DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT in times of crisis than you do in good times.

It's not enough to change a bit.

You really need to switch gears.

But for most people, this doesn't come naturally. Most people are good when times are good. But they struggle, stress, and fail when things get tough.

If you're one of these people, please do listen to my latest podcast episode, where I give you my "mental framework" for being highly effective throughout a crisis.

⚠️This is a 1h conversation. If you're busy right now, save it for another day :)

Go get'em!

PS: Is there anything you need help with, anything I can do for you? Just hit reply. I'm here for you.

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