In this email I'm going to share a simple high-end coaching idea that nearly anyone reading this email can steal and hustle to 1,000 customers in < 90 days.

Here is what I'll cover in this email:

  • Why this opportunity exists 
  • How to create the product
  • My plan to grow it to 1,000+ customers 

Step #1: The Opportunity

Everyone is locked down. No one is at the office. So everyone on the planet is using Zoom. Their average daily users went from 10 million to 200 million in the first 3 weeks of lock down.

Google data supports this…


Problem: People are working from home. They are all using a new tool they don't understand. They are overwhelmed by it. You can help them not look silly. You can help them look competent and like the hero of their team 

Step #2: Finding the product 

The problem is clear. But what product can you sell in order to help people master Zoom and become the hero? 

Quick brainstorming exercise.:

Let's brainstorm with these 4 questions: 

1. What online course could I create?

2. What service could I provide? 

3. What resources could I create? 

4. What coaching service could I provide? 

Here is what I came up with:

1. Create a $97 online course. 5 - 10 videos. Takes 2 hours to finish. Instantly levels up my Zoom skills. Gives me access to a Zoom coach to ask a few questions. I'm the person everyone on my team comes to when they have Zoom questions.

2. Create a service that goes through my Zoom account and tweaks all the settings so I don't have to learn anything. Gives me a simple tutorial on it. And in < 30 min im a superhero.

3. Create a $29 eBook. I can skim it this weekend and keep it on my desk. Walks me through the basics. Makes it brain dead simple. Zoom for Idiots. 

4. Create a $2,999 coaching service with email support. For professionals. For those with money. They need to use Zoom. Don't have time to learn it but I need my team to be set up. They pay you. You set up and train their team. Monitor for 30 days. Make adjustments. Email support from the team 

Let's narrow it down with these 3 questions: 

1. Which one of these ideas is the most exciting to me?

2. Which of these could I legit help people with? 

3. Which of these could I make good money on? 

My winner? Coaching service.

The reason I picked it is because high end professional clients are some of my favorites to work with. They have money. They are low maintenance. And through doing this higher end service you can create the course and sell it eventually - attracting even more high end clients. 

 Step #3: Getting your first 10 clients

You know this is a massive problem. 1000s of school systems are using Zoom. Teams of doctors, hospitalists, corporate sales teams are all using Zoom now. And very few know how to fully use it. Most are totally fumbling their way through it.

But when they hire you, everything changes. You cut through the clutter. Train their team. Reorganize their accounts. Save them money on their bill. And help them fall in love with remote work as a result.

Main question though = how do you sell it? 

Phase #1: Getting your first client 

1. Make a list of 200 people you know (phone contact, past clients, people you email with, social)

2. Send them all a message asking if they are using zoom

3. If they are, ask what their biggest problems are. 

4. Post a message to social asking the same

5. Talk to everyone that responds

Out of those conversations you'll find 5+ that are using it in a team environment that have problems. With those 5 people do this:

1. Tell them you'd like to help

2. Tell them you're offering a Zoom consult

3. Get on the phone

4. Find their problem

5. Make sure it's a legit problem

For 1-2 they'll have a legit problem you can solve. Pitch them your service. Frame the problem. Show the economic impact. Paint a vision of what it'll be like when it's solved. Inspire them. Then close them. Give them a discount as the first client. 

Phase #2: Getting 10 more clients 

1. Interview your first client

2. Make a case study from it

3. Join every professional group you can find

4. Linkedin groups of sales people, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc.

5. Ask if anyone needs help with zoom (for free)

6. Answer their questions

7. DM anyone that asks (after you answer their question)

8. Tell them you'd like to help more

10, Get on the phone 

11. Tell them about your case study

Answer 200 questions in these groups. Get on the phone 25 times. Close 10 clients. Repeat. Ask for referrals.


If you want my team and I to personally help you grow this business or come up with a plan to grow your current business, we run a 1:1 coaching program that does exactly that. We'd love to talk and work with you. 

Book a strategy call with us here 

