One of the best email sales sequences I’ve seen

Growth Tools

Hey! Bryan here…

I was digging through my inbox a month or so ago and stumbled on one of the best sales sequences I've ever seen.

After reading through each email I knew I needed to share it with you..

This sales sequence was used to launch a done-for-you social media service for churches. One of the reasons I love it is because it follows the open/close cart launch style that you probably associate with online course launches, but in this case it's selling a done-for-you service rather than a digital info product.

It's a good reminder that you don't have to launch or promote your product the same way every other kind of business like yours does. You can get great results borrowing strategies that have worked well for other types of products and applying them to your own.

Sequence Results:

While I can't share exact launch numbers for the launch, just trust me when I tell you that I've seen them and they're prrrrrettty dang good. 🙂

Here's the basic structure of the sequence:

Email 1: Pre-launch content #1 – Gives subscribers a free checklist lead magnet + video training that's designed to help them with social media to prime them for the upcoming done-for-you social media service launch

Email 2: Pre-launch content #2 – Gives subscribers a collection of social media post templates + video training to continue priming them for the launch (sent again with a different subject line to subscribers who didn't open it the first time)

Email 3: Pre-launch content #3 – Gives subscribers a social media calendar + video training to continue priming them for the launch (sent again with a different subject line to subscribers who didn't open it the first time)

Email 4: The launch preview – Teases the upcoming product launch

Email 5: Cart open – Officially announces the launch (plus a fast action bonus) and sends subscribers to the sales page

Email 6: Flash bonus – Offers a that's only available for the next 24 hours

Email 7: Problem, agitate, solve – Touches on one of the audience's biggest pain points and positions the product as the solution using the PAS formula

Email 8: Customer reviews – Showcases positive results from customers who have used Brady's service in the past

Email 9: FAQ – Reminds subscribers the cart will be closing in one day and links them to an FAQ page to overcome their most common objections

Email 10: Cart close reminder #1 – Reminds subscribers that it's the final day of the launch

Email 11: Cart close reminder #2 – Gives subscribers one final warning that the cart is closing and includes some additional customer results / social proof

We went ahead and loaded this exact sequence into DripScripts so you can check it out and model it for your own launch.

Click here to grab it.

If you don't already know, Drip Scripts helps you write email sequences without all the headaches and research typically needed. 

It gives you a proven structure for the sequence and then helps you write the actual content of each email. Think Mad Libs for email sequences.

So dive in, check out the template, and start writing your next launch sequence!


Bryan from Growth Tools

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