Writing webinar emails? You need these templates.

Growth Tools

Want to use webinars to sell your product or service?

You should. They are VERY effective.

Word Of Caution: 68% of our "webinar" sales happen AFTER the webinar is over. And most of those sales come from people who have watched less than 20% of the webinar.

Why does this happen? Our follow-up email sequence.

This is how it works:

1. Someone registers for our webinar.
2. They attend the webinar.
3. For the next 5 days, we send emails about the webinar and offer.

We all need reminders. Life happens, babies, work, Netflix. We get distracted and forget.

My wife and I went on a trip to Costa Rica a few years back. We were driving through the middle of nowhere when we began to notice signs for a restaurant, Toad Hall.

We hadn't seen a car for over an hour and then all of a sudden we began seeing signs for Toad Hall.

5 miles out: "Best Tacos in Nuevo Arenal!"

4 miles out: "We're nice people!"

3 miles out: "You'll love our view!"

2 miles out: "Don't miss Toad Hall"

1 mile out: "Toad Hall on right in one mile"

0.5 mile out: "Welcome to Toad Hall… Not really. We're 0.5 miles on the right!"

0.1 miles out: "Park here and visit world-famous Toad Hall!"

Guess what we did?

We visited Toad Hall!

No other restaurant in Costa Rica did this. All of the OTHER restaurants relied on the sign hanging in front of their building to capture my attention. All of the OTHERS were working under the assumption that as I drove down this long, winding road, fiddling with my GPS and trying to drink my Dr. Pepper, that I would randomly look up, see their sign, and decide to stop in.

Selling your product or service on a webinar is the same way...

If you do not have an effective email sequence to remind people you exist and why they should buy, you are losing a lot of money. My friend Grant Baldwin from the Speaker Lab has sold $1,000,000+ of his online course via webinars over the past few years. And his email sequence is vital.

Here is an outline of his sequence:

Day 1: (after webinar): "Does it work?"
Day 2: Case study 
Day 3: Replay expires + show detailed offer
Day 4: Extension open 
Day 5: Extension open 
Day 6 (AM): Extension close
Day 6 (PM): Cart close

Want a copy of Grant's email sequence?

I'll do you one better.

Remember a couple of weeks ago when we added the high-converting launch sequences into Drip Scripts?

Well, this week we added Grant's webinar sequence so you can model his sequence for your own webinar.

If you don't already know, Drip Scripts helps you write email sequences without all the headaches and research typically needed. 

It gives you a proven structure for the sequence and then helps you write the actual content of each email. Think Mad Libs for email sequences.

In addition to Grant's webinar sequence, we also added one that we used to generate over $250,000 in sales.

So dive in, grab the templates, and start writing your next webinar sales sequence!

- Bryan

Bryan from Growth Tools

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