Chad Allen joined our coaching program to "Build a business that positively impacts my customers while providing the financial resources to improve my family's overall lifestyle."

Now that's a goal we can get behind!

That quote was from 5 months ago when he joined our 1-on-1 coaching program.

Last week he sent us this quote:

"I am 1 person shy of filling my high-ticket coaching program! It amounts to $55,000 of additional revenue in about 5 months time - super excited about that!"

Quick Case Study:

Name: Chad Allen

Summary: Made an additional $55k in revenue with his high-ticket coaching program


  • He helps writers get published
  • 20 years experience in the publishing industry
  • Was doing about $8,500 in revenue monthly before joining
  • Needed help scaling
  • Needed to narrow his product focus
  • We came up with a custom marketing plan for him
  • We taught him high-ticket sales funnels
  • We taught him how to conduct high-ticket sales calls
  • He executed the plan
  • His business is scaling
  • He's positively impacting his customers
  • He's improving his family's lifestyle

What he said:

"I knew that what got me from point A to B wasn't going to get me to C. One of the best things GU has done for me is help me imagine a bigger vision for my business than I was able to imagine on my own. They've helped me (a) see that bigger vision and then (b) execute my way into that vision."

Do you need help scaling your business?

If so, we can help! It may not be easy, but I've seen it happen so many times (for clients just like Chad Allen) that I can tell you it is 100% possible.

If you'd like a proven plan for your online business from someone who has been there before:

Click here to schedule a free strategy session
