What to do with your money during COVID-19?

I've been getting a lot of questions about investment opportunities:

  • Should I invest in this cryptocurrency?
  • Should I buy that precious metal?
  • Should I acquire this foreign currency?
  • Should I get stock of this company that's currently totally undervalued?

That's why I created this video where I share my investment advice:

🍿New video: The only asset worth investing in during this crisis

Disclaimer: I'm not an investor. It's not in my DNA. Finding ways to leverage my wealth is not something that gets my juices flowing. I'm a founder, an entrepreneur, a creator, a teacher.

And if you've not already been a successful investor before this crisis, why do you think trying to become one now is a good idea?

Yes, we're in the midst of massive economical shifts.

But do you really think that's the right time to start investing, when things are more unpredictable than ever?

Check out my latest video where I share why I think you should invest in yourself.

Go get'em!

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