8 simple business ideas for COVID-19

Growth Tools

This is the best time in modern history to be an entrepreneur. 


Because you know the fears, wants and needs of every human on earth. Everyone on the planet is locked in their house. Out of their normal routine. And trying to figure out Zoom.

Every one of us goes to bed and wakes up thinking about the same thing, COVID-19. 

"Will I get the virus?"
"I hope Granny doesn't get it."
"Will my business last?"
"When will the lockdown end?"

On a normal pre-COVID day the fears, wants, and desires of people vary greatly. You would need to do market research to find a pain to solve. 

Not anymore. The entire human race is experiencing the same thing, at the same time for the first time ever. 

Why does this matter? 

You don't have to predict what people will need. 

You just need to give them the solution to their problem. 

Example #1:

Zoom went from 10 million active daily users to 200 million over the course of 1 month. 

Where is the Zoom Pro Tips online training course?
Where are the Professional Zoom Background resource packs? 
Where is the Zoom coaching program?

Example #2:

There are 23.8 million managers in the United States. People who lead people. And the vast majority of them are having to lead remote teams for the first time ever.

Where is the Remote Leadership For Dummies eBook?
Where is the Become An Amazing Remote Leader course? 
Where is the Lead From Home coaching program? 
The world has changed. The needs have shifted. But the great part is that we were born for this. As entrepreneurs, we were born to create and to solve problems.


Are you going to play offense or defense

Want some other ideas to get your wheels spinning? 

Here are 8 business ideas...

1. Designer Face Masks: Everyone has to wear them. Supply is short. And most of the ones I've seen look terrible. Make face masks with my favorite sports team? Disney character? Make them out of old t-shirts? Make them high end. 

Who is going to sell the first $150 face masks to all the shoppers with pent up demand from not being able to go to the Louis Vuitton store? 

Note: I told my mom to do this. She made one mask out of an old Norwex cloth. Posted a picture to Facebook and sold 125 in less than a day. Someone that hustles could make $10,000 in the next 30 days just from this idea. 

2. Work At Home Productivity Course: Teach me how to not still be wearing PJs at 2pm. Help me set up my space, routine and habits so the kids don't drive me insane and I can actually get work done. It could be a course or coaching.

3. Online Tutoring: Teachers are having a tough time adapting. Shoddy wi-fi connections make it hard to learn and follow along. Parents have to practically homeschool. Give me a number I can call, let my kid ask questions. Help them not flunk out and me not pull my hair out. 

4. Make Home Delivery Easier: Build a Chrome extension that refreshes Instacart delivery page until a time for delivery shows up, and then submit my order for me. I don't want to wait until next Saturday for my carrots and cookies. I want them now! 

5. Teach Parents How To Home School: Did you homeschool your kids? Were you a homeschooled kid? If so, you were built for this. The entire world now homeschools! HELP US! 

Give us the resources, syllabus, mental tools, physical tools and training we need. 

6. Cleaning Business: Nearly every local essential service needs help cleaning. Grocery store carts, police stations, walk-in clinics - all of them. Who is going to be the first to start and grow their cleaning service to 1,000 accounts during COVID? 

7. Work Out Of The Day: Who is going to sell me a $99 monthly subscription to your really easy to follow work out of the day? You email me one work out, 10-20min. I do it. I report back. Online personal trainers were on the rise before COVID. And now that every gym in the world is closed, we need you now more than ever.

My pop tart collection is calling. Are you going to help me? 

Keywords: Fittrack, Zwift, and HITT are exploding right now in search volume. 

8. Haircut Tutorials For Kids: Who is happy with their haircut right now? Who has seriously contemplated a buzz cut? Yourself, your kids and your spouse - you all have hair problems currently.

Give me the online tutorial, the style guide, the real-time Zoom coaching so I don't butcher my hair. 

Do any of these stand out to you?

Did reading this trigger a totally unrelated idea?


If you are excited about 1 or more of these ideas but not sure where to start, I can help you.

Talk with one of our coaches so we can create a custom marketing plan for you. You can use it to pivot your current business that's getting hammered by COVID or start the business you've always wanted but now suddenly have the time to focus on.

Schedule a Strategy Session now.


Bryan from Growth Tools

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