Zoom w/ me this afternoon?

I recently created a 4-Page Template that is a paint by numbers guide to creating irresistible offers. That means it'll turn your product into something people flock to and buy in droves.
You can use it on existing products.
You can use it to create new products.
I recently used it to improve my offer and sales rates jumped by 3x!
It's simple. And it works.
Today I'm hosting a FREE pop-up workshop on my Zoom account at 3pm CST (4pm EST | 1pm PST) to show you How to Create an Irresistible Offer!
I guarantee you'll leave with a higher converting offer.
Click here to get the details to join (my Zoom is limited to 100 people).
During the workshop, you'll get to:
  1. Learn the 4 parts of an irresistible offer and how to identify where your offer is the weakest so you can quickly fix it (you'll get a few templates to fix the places that need work).
  2. Examine my offer before and after I fixed it. I'll walk you through my thought process behind the changes I made and how it increased sales by 300%.
  3. Get exclusive access to workshop your offer with me and everyone else on the workshop. We'll select a few folks, fix their offer, and make it irresistible.

A recent coaching client saw a 150% increase in sales from what you'll learn today. 
Notice: There are 100 spots on my Zoom plan. So show up early. Once it's at capacity no one else can get in until someone leaves. 
Here's the link one more time to get my Zoom info.
See you in a few hours!

- Bryan

1910 Madison Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38104

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