Every single business owner lives or dies by the questions he asks.
If you don't ask yourself the right questions a few things will happen:
- You'll spend a lot of time, money, and energy on things that don't really matter...or aren't effective at getting you where you want to go.
- You'll wind up feeling stuck, frustrated, and maybe even ready to quit. And worst of all...
- You'll never stay focused long enough to achieve everything you're really capable of.
That last one is the real killer.
I can't even tell you how many of our new clients come in, thinking they're years and years away from hitting their real goals.
When - with just a few tweaks - many of them hit those same "far-off" goals within just a few weeks.
(Don't believe me?
Check out our client wins from this week here)
So, to prevent this - and help keep me focused on what really matters - every single Friday I ask myself 3 questions.
First, I ask:
Did we hit our targets for the week?Everything starts with that question. To be successful, you need to know the score.
You need to know when you're on track (so you can repeat what works) and when you're off track (so you can diagnose the problem and figure out how to fix it).
Whether the week went exactly as planned (when does
that ever happen?) or you got derailed by the latest iOs update, client crisis, or employee drama, you must always, always, ALWAYS step back and know where you stand.
Then, I ask:
Did I, personally, accomplish the #1 thing I set out to do that week?After you've reflected on the business as a whole, you need to go to your own, individual actions. Whether you're a solopreneur or you manage a team, your actions set the stage for the entire company.
Make it your mission, every single week, to set your priorities, and then
take action every day to accomplish them.If you stay focused on your #1 thing, the rest of the company will follow suit.
Lastly, I ask:
How did my actions this week impact the long term growth of my business?Honestly, this final question is what makes all the difference.
Most business owners get so trapped in the day to day of running their business, they never take the right actions to grow it in the long term.
Sometimes, you know what you
should do, but you just don't have time to do it. You're constantly putting out fires, and just can't seem to get ahead.
Other times, you're stuck. You know you need to build the business for the long term, but you're not 100% sure exactly how to do that. So, you dive into each day, doing what's necessary...but not what's needed.
In either case, my team and I can help.Every single day, we help our clients see their company's growth more clearly.
And every single day we're in the trenches with them, giving that extra hand, knowledge, and support to get them to the next level.
So, when you're ready,
Click here to book a call with us.When you do, here's what will happen:
- We'll ask you a few questions about your business and your goals.
- Then, we'll show you what's really possible, and outline a plan to get you there.
- Lastly, if it's a fit, we'll tell you more about how we can help.
Talk soon,
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