2x Your Price with this 5-Step Guide

What's the simplest way to double your revenue? 
  • Option 1: Get more clients. 
  • Option 2: Raise your price.

I tried both over the last 12 months... 

And raising my price led us to 10 record sales months in a row and a 65% increase of revenue (all during the middle of COVID)!

Give me the next 7 minutes and I'll show you why raising your price is the smartest thing you can do to grow your course or coaching business. 

Special Note: You'll also learn a simple trick to radically raise your price WITHOUT losing the customers who can't pay more. 

Click here to get my 5-step guide to DOUBLING your price
Here is what's inside: 
  • How I earned an extra $100,000 in revenue in my 2nd course launch by adding 3 simple bonuses and charging more.
  • Why 20% of your clients will pay 5x more if you simply give them something else to buy
  • Exactly how to determine your ideal price point and then test it so you're confident in your price and know you are leaving no money on the table.
  • How to run a price increase promotion so all the lookie-loos who have ever considered buying from you will instantly get off the fence and give you money (includes by 4-part email sequence you can copy and use for yourself).

Get the full run down here...

Read my 5-step guide to picking your perfect price (and DOUBLING sales)

-Bryan Harris 

PS: I can personally help you raise your prices and double your revenue by making a custom marketing plan for you, giving you my marketing playbook and coaching you daily.  

Want to see how YOU could 2x your online coaching and course business by the end of 2021?

Let's talk! I have opened up a handful of free Impact Session spots on our calendar today.

1910 Madison Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38104

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