Why I've rejected thousands of customers...

Almost every company, every sales team, every rep I've ever known is guilty of doing this: They close deals just because they can.

Another won opportunity. Another closed deal. Some more revenue. Sweet! Even if that customer isn't actually the right fit for your offer. But hey, they came to you, eager to buy! Who are you to tell them no?

Buying your product when it's not a good fit is bad for the customer, but it's worse for you and your business.

In the short run, it might bring in some extra money, but eventually you'll end up paying dearly for this.

This is a lesson I personally teach every single sales rep at Close.io, and I make sure they really get it. It's that important.

Check out my latest post on the Close.io blog, where I share when, why, and how to say no to a prospect that wants to give you money.

Go get'em!

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