Instead, do this...

Teach 1 new audience each week.

Do this and soon you'll have a line of people waiting to buy.

✅ No Facebook ads needed

✅ No social media needed 

✅ No content hamster wheel of death

✅ No interrupting people and hard selling them

This simple plan will take any course and coaching business to $10k+ month. 

For example…

Meet Nick True 

  • Nick is a coach.
  • Does group and 1:1 coaching
  • Runs a site called Mapped out Money. 
  • He coaches business owners on budgeting 

Here is what he did: 

1. He found a financial advisor who runs a coaching service and membership site. 
2. That advisor gets asked all the time about budgeting but that's not his specialty.
3. Nick filled this content gap by doing a training on budgeting.

As a result Nick has sold $10,425 in his coaching services to people that watched that training. Here is what Nick said about this approach: "What's nice is that now I do nothing on the marketing side. He just sends us $1k-$2k of coaching/month."

So, how do you sell more of your course and coaching program?

Teach 1 new audience each week.

That's it. No ads. No content. No social media. No special funnels to decode.

You are a teacher and you DON'T have to become a marketer to hit your goals!

Want me to help you do this just like Nick?

Let's talk.

We coach course creators and coaches on how to use this simple marketing strategy to grow their business. It typically takes < 4 hours a week of your time. And allows you to focus on your customers and clients. 

So, if you would like me to help find and secure 1 new audience each week for you to teach in front of so that you can sell your course or coaching program, schedule a time on my calendar by clicking here.

15 spots available tomorrow and Thursday and they won't last long.

Talk soon!
