A few weeks ago, we let you know that we're hiring for two important roles in our company. This week is last call for these roles, so if you're interested in either, get your app in ASAP: 

Part-time marketing coach 

👉 Click here for more details.

Full Stack Software Developer

👉 Click here for more details.

📣 And we're also excited to be opening up a brand new role  ðŸ“£:

Marketing Operations Manager

If you geek out over Google Analytics, Tag Manager, wiring up funnels, building dashboards, integrating with CRMs, and obsessively tracking and reporting data, this role might be for you!

👉 Click here for more details.

Also, if you know of anyone who may be a good fit for any of these roles, we'll send you a $1,000 Amazon gift card if you refer a new hire.

So go tell a friend! :)


-Bryan Harris