Yesterday, I dropped a hefty new post all about pricing your online course correctly.

It gave you several of our most essential course pricing tools, including:

  • The Tiered Pricing Calculator: This gives you a feel for how much extra revenue you could bring in by adding a second or third pricing tier to your course. It's pretty dang fun to play with:

  • Our Product Validation Email Sequence Template: If you haven't launched your course yet, you need this email sequence in your arsenal. It will help you prove out your concept and price point BEFORE launching.
  • Our Price Increase Email Sequence Template: When it comes time to raise your course's price, this is the sequence you should use to announce the coming change.

Whether you had a chance to read the full post or not, I wanted to make sure you add these to your toolbox for whenever you need them.

So click the link below and I'll email you the whole bundle of pricing tools to help you maximize your online course revenue:

Send Me the Ultimate Course Pricing Toolkit <<<

Consider it an easy way to beef up your swipe file. :)

- Bryan

P.S. If you want to catch up on the whole blog post, go here to check it out: A Simple Pricing Strategy for Online Courses