Are you trying to build an audience right now? One word of advice: Stop. In 2013, I was attempting the exact same thing. I had just quit my job. Had zero money for ad spend. Zero reputation. I had a side hustle making explainer videos, but my top priority was to scale my online course and coaching business. Doing that required an audience (AKA traffic, followers, email subscribers, etc.). My marketing routine was the same every week: - Spend all week figuring out what to write about
- Stay up all night working on a blog post ("Guess I'm a 'writer' now!")
- Hit publish
- Pray people liked it enough to spread it organically
Sometimes it worked. A trickle of new traffic here, a few new subscribers there. Most of the time it didn't. Either way, I was on the Content Hamster Wheel of Death and it was exhausting. What changed? Instead of grinding myself into the ground trying to build my OWN audience, I tried something different... Something that got me in front of 1,000s of warm, qualified leads every week. Which basically made it impossible for my business to not grow faster. I started borrowing OTHER PEOPLE'S audiences: - I pitched Noah Kagan (founder of Sumo) on writing a guest post for his blog that led to over 4,000 email subscribers and $100k in sales
- A popular marketing podcast interviewed me (because I sent them the right pitch), which drove 100s of qualified leads to my site
- Over the course of 6 months, I did 22 "partner workshops" where I simply taught other people's audiences about email list-building (adding 15,000 subscribers to my list)
To this day, Other People's Audiences (OPA) are our #1 marketing channel. We just teach 1 new audience per week. It is a 100% replicable approach we show ALL of our 1:1 coaching clients how to execute (you'll see an example below). And this week, I'm going to show you how to do it too. This Wednesday at 3pm CT (4pm ET | 1pm PT) I'm hosting a Free LIVE Training Session to show you How to 2x Your Course or Coaching Sales with Other People's Audiences. Click here to instantly register and save your spot on the training. This approach does NOT require you to have an existing audience. All you have to be able to do is teach about the topic you're passionate about. Teach a strategy from the course you're building. Teach the techniques you share with your coaching clients. Just like Nick True, who recently sold $10,425 in coaching services using the approach I'm going to teach you: Here is what he did: - He found a financial advisor who runs a coaching service and membership site.
- That advisor gets asked all the time about budgeting, but it's not his specialty (we call this a "content gap").
- Nick filled this content gap by doing a training on budgeting.
As a result, Nick has sold $10,425 in his coaching services to people that watched that training. Here is what Nick said about this approach: "What's nice is that now I do nothing on the marketing side. He just sends us $1k-$2k of coaching/month." No more marketing. Just teaching the stuff you're already great at. Sound good? Then click here to instantly register for Wednesday's Live Training Session. You're going to see: - How to identify companies and influencers in your niche that would love to feature you to their audience (in the form of a live training, podcast interview, guest post, etc.)
- The simple formula for pitching them without coming off like a weirdo (with real examples)
- How to leverage your appearances in front of Other People's Audiences into sales of your online course, coaching, or consulting services
- And much more
Click here to register and save your spot now. <<< See you there! - Bryan |
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