It's the single biggest low-hanging fruit opportunity for online course creators…

Yet most will go years without giving it the attention it deserves.

I'm talking about figuring out your pricing.

Pricing has such a direct impact on your revenue that even small changes to it can have a 6-figure impact on your course launches.


A few years back, I was selling a course called Get 10,000 Subscribers with 2 pricing tiers:

  • Tier 1 was priced at $600
  • Tier 2 was priced at $1,200

For the second launch, I threw in a third pricing tier at $2,400 to see what would happen.

84 people bought the third tier, which accounted for 24% of our sales and $201,600. Had I not added that third tier, it's safe to assume those 84 people would have purchased the second tier…

...and we would have lost out on a whopping $100,800.

Yes, in the moment this was a cool discovery. But it was also alarming…

How much freaking revenue did we miss out on by not thinking about pricing sooner?

I just published a new post ALL about online course pricing to save you from that question. :)

Whether you're working on your first course or you're a seasoned vet, it will show you how to maximize your revenue by pricing your course for what it's actually worth. Check it out now:

A Simple Pricing Strategy for Online Courses <<<

You will learn:

  • The right and wrong way to pick your initial course pricing
  • How to create pricing tiers that maximize your revenue without forcing you to create mountains of extra content
  • 3 simple ways to increase your prices (and how to know when it's time)
  • And more

Go here to check it out and get a handle on your course pricing.

- Bryan

P.S. Want my team to audit your course strategy and find 2-3 small tweaks you can make to skyrocket revenue in the next 90 days? Go here to schedule a free Strategy Session and we'll start digging in.