A little over a year ago, I sent out a tweet that would change the course of my company. 

At the time, I had no idea whatsoever. The tweet had nothing to do with the business itself. It wasn't about marketing, growth, or any of the typical random stuff I tweet about (like SpaceX and Auburn football).

It was a tweet about marriage counseling.

Specifically, it was an invitation for any of my followers to join me for a marriage counseling session:


This tweet was the culmination of the hardest year my wife, Stacy, and I had ever experienced during our 12 years together.

There were several factors involved: 

  • We had our third child. 
  • Stacy and the baby battled some health issues. 
  • We neglected some of our best relational habits like going on date nights and getaways to rest and reset. 

All of this was on top of the usual stresses that come with running a business and raising two other kids.

But everything changed when we met a marriage counselor named Glenn. 

Over the course of six months, Glenn gave us a set of tools that fundamentally changed our marriage and lives. I could spend hours talking about why his methods worked so well, but for now all you need to know is that our marriage has never been healthier than it is today.

When Glenn saw how enthusiastic we were about the results of his counseling, he asked a simple question:

"Can I teach your friends some of what I shared with you?"

Saying yes was a no-brainer. I immediately sent out the tweet you saw above. Less than a week later, 75 couples attended the first Zoom session:


The results for Glenn's business were game changing. 

In the weeks that followed, multiple attendees became his one-on-one coaching clients. Not because he ended the sessions with some kind of awkward sales pitch. Not because he forced the attendees into a perfectly optimized sales funnel. Not because he targeted them with ads after the training ended. Not because he relied on me to do an affiliate pitch. 

He didn't have to do ANY of the typical marketing crap that makes most business owners want to crawl into a hole and die.

Glenn's business exploded because a room full of people got to witness him doing the thing he's already great at—teaching.

This is the power of borrowing someone else's audience instead of trying to build your own from scratch.

It's a strategy I've seen work time and again in our clients' businesses (and my own). 

  1. You identify a person or business who already has an audience of your ideal customers
  2. You ask if you can teach their audience a strategy or method for solving one of their biggest problems (via an online training, podcast interview, guest post, etc.)
  3. They get quality content for their audience; you get featured to warm prospects who are primed to buy from you

It's called partnership marketing, and it's the most effective strategy we've ever taught our clients.

  • It's worked for coaches like Glenn.
  • It's worked for course creators like Diana Wu David, who sold over $8k in online courses by getting interviewed on a handful of podcasts.
  • It's worked for consultants like Michael DeLon of Paperback Expert, who generated $102k in new client revenue from a single online workshop he taught for a mastermind group.
  • It's even worked for brand new businesses like Pinkpot Studio, the consulting and course business that Chaitra Radhakrishna grew to six figures in its first year thanks to partnerships.

As you can see, we were already good at showing people how to do it. And even helping them land their first handful of partnership opportunities.

But seeing someone who had changed my life succeed with partnerships motivated me to take our approach to another level. 

I started asking a question of our entire team:

What would have to happen for any coach, course creator, or consultant to duplicate these results on a weekly basis?

How could we systematize the process so that, with only a handful of hours of work per week, any business owner could have a steady stream of warm audiences to teach?

What if we created a system that made consistent growth with partnerships inevitable?

Over the last year, that's exactly what we've done. We aimed our entire company at building something that makes it nearly impossible to fail at selling courses, coaching, or consulting.

It's a brand new program where my team and I personally help your business get featured to one new audience every week. 

And on Monday, we're finally going to reveal it to the world.

So if you want to get more customers for your course, coaching program, or consulting services…

By using the skills you already have…

Instead of becoming an expert marketer…

Keep your eyes peeled for the announcement.

I'm beyond excited to see what you think.

- Bryan