I know it's only Monday, but can I call BS on something?

You know when people say stuff like, "If I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing?"


If I were starting my business over again, I would ABSOLUTELY do things differently!

Mistakes I wouldn't make this time around:

  • Convincing myself I need to write a 2,000+ word blog post every single week in order to get noticed (hello, burnout)
  • Running a "Facebook ads experiment" live on my blog so people could watch me set money on fire in real time 
  • Buying expensive courses on complicated tactics like SEO that I never even bothered to watch (who else has 5 online course logins they've never used?)

Don't get me wrong—I learned a ton from failing and losing money. They're both great teachers!

But sometimes it pays to learn from other people's failures instead of going through the same mistakes yourself.

So this week, I want to give you a "fast forward" button to consistent growth in your course, coaching, or consulting business. 

Because you don't need to spend the next year grinding away trying to build your own audience and attract customers out of thin air.

Instead, you can do what I wish I had done from the get-go with my business:

Borrow other people's audiences.

See, what most people don't realize is that thought leaders in every niche are actively looking for people like YOU to feature to their audience.

  • Not because you pay them to
  • Not because they expect you to return the favor
  • Not because you have a "big name" in your industry

But simply because you can teach their audience something valuable.

By leveraging this little-known marketing strategy (which is a lot closer to TEACHING rather than marketing), you can scale any course, coaching, or consulting business to 6 figures and beyond.

On Wednesday at 3pm CT (4pm ET | 1pm PT), I'm hosting a free live workshop to show you how.

It's called The 3 Secrets to 6-Figure Months—Without Selling Your Soul to Facebook Ads, and you can instantly register by clicking the link below:

Save my spot on the free LIVE training now! <<<

You're going to see:

  • How to put lead generation on autopilot by simply sharing your expertise with other people's audiences
  • The 3 types of online "guest appearances" that will attract clients who are already primed to buy from you
  • How to get them to buy your $100, $1k, or even $10k product/service within days of joining your list
  • Why companies and influencers in every niche are desperate for quality content to feed their large audiences (and how YOU can become that content)
  • Real examples of businesses just like yours that are already thriving with this simple strategy

Here's the link to instantly register and save your spot on the LIVE training now. <<<

See you there!

- Bryan