2 words you almost never hear when someone describes a marketing strategy:

  • "Fulfilling"
  • "Rewarding"

But that's exactly how Shannon Mattern described an approach that recently generated over $27,000 in sales of her online courses and digital products.

Top top it off, she also told me it took way less time than the more complicated tactics she'd tried in the past:

  • SEO
  • Facebook ads
  • Posting on Pinterest and Instagram
  • "Endless content creation" (those were her words) 

So if you're looking for a faster way to get customers for your course or coaching services, listen up.

Because I'm about to break down how she did it for you.

Who? Shannon Mattern

Her Business: Shannon helps non-techy entrepreneurs and bloggers build DIY websites to market their businesses. She sells courses, website templates, and more.


When Shannon joined our coaching program, we introduced her to a different system for growth:

Instead of putting all her time and energy into building her own audience from scratch, we helped her simply get her business in front of other people's audiences.

There are a variety of ways to do it, but the one that's been working again and again for Shannon is simple:

Guest workshops.

Quick example to show you how they work:

First, Shannon identified a business that is serving her target customers (non-techy solopreneurs) in a different way.

The business is called The CEO Teacher Academy, and it's run by a woman named Kayse Morris.

Kayse helps teachers market and sell their own teaching assets like lesson plans.

That means pretty much all of her customers are solopreneurs who need to create a website—but the technical aspects of website creation are outside Kayse's focus.

That's where Shannon came in.

Shannon asked Kayse if she could deliver an online workshop on website creation for The CEO Teacher Academy.

  • Kayse would get awesome free content that helps her customers get past a major roadblock
  • Shannon would get showcased to an audience that's extremely likely to buy from her

Classic win-win. 

Together, they came up with the idea of an online workshop called the Teacher Blog Blast Off:


The format was simple:

  • It was 5 training sessions over a 5-day period
  • Each training was done via Facebook Live in Kayse's Facebook group
  • Shannon simply showed up, taught a customized version of her existing training, and answered questions

The results?

Initially, this partnership got Shannon:

  • $6,000 in sales of courses and digital products
  • 600 new email subscribers

But the best part is that the training content has continued to send her an additional $1,000 per month in sales since the initial 5-day training.

"We set it up to where I'm consistently bringing in new subscribers and sales from that since we did it last September," she said.

Plus, this hasn't been a one-off success. 

Shannon used this exact same "guest workshop" approach with another business called Expert VA Training.

The founder, Kathy Goughenour, trains people to be virtual assistants—yet another segment of solopreneurs who all need to have a website!

You already know what happened next. 

Shannon did a one-off guest workshop on DIY websites for Kathy's customers:


That single 1-hour training led to over $20k in sales for Shannon in the weeks that followed.

What if growing your business were as simple as finding new audiences like these and teaching them your method, process, strategies, etc.?

No ads. No hard selling. No endless content creation. 

I would love to show you how your business could use this same approach to get results like Shannon's.

My team is standing by to jump on a free Strategy Session call with you (book your spot here) where we will…

  • Put on our "VP of Marketing" hat and take a deep look at your business
  • Show you how you can scale to 10k, 20k, or even 50k per month by simply borrowing other people's audiences (like Shannon is)
  • If it's a good fit, give you an invite to our 1:1 coaching program—where we will personally help you get your business in front of 1 new audience every week

Click here to schedule a time with us while spots are still available!

- Bryan

P.S. If you're struggling to think of businesses that would feature you to their audience, here's the cool part…

When you become a coaching client, we literally find them for you with our Lead Finder Service.

Lead Finder is a done-for-you service where we give you a hand-curated list of 100 leads for partnerships just like the ones you saw in this email.

Then, we even write a pitch to your #1 best lead and document every step of the process, so you can quickly learn how to approach and convince nearly anyone to promote you. 

Ready to learn more?

Grab a time to chat with us and we'll give you all the details.