Whenever it feels like I'm beating my head against a wall, there's a simple question that takes my stress to zero:

"What if I did the opposite?"

Quick example anyone with in-laws can relate to:

Every holiday season, we host the fam at our house. 

It's great. I love it. But there's one major source of stress: 

No matter how hard I press, they never make their plans clear. Arrivals, departures, random animals in tow...anything is possible.

Sidenote: If y'all are reading this, you know I love you. :)

Anyway, this year, instead of badgering them for info, my wife and I did the opposite.

We told them our house was open all week. Come and go as you please! Stay however long you'd like!

Instead of having boundaries, we kept things wide open.

Stress level = 0.

Happiness level = 10.

The best part?

If you're feeling stressed in your business, you can use the exact same approach to wipe it out.

Recently, a coaching client of ours named Paul Kelly tried the opposite with one of his course launches.

He sells a course on using Excel called The Excel VBA Handbook, and he'd always built his launches around a big webinar.

If you've been there, you know how stressful that can be...

  • Launch webinars take tons of planning
  • Big time "eggs in one basket" situation
  • If it flops, you're scrambling to pivot so the launch doesn't tank

This time, however, Paul did the opposite…

No webinar whatsoever.

Instead, he put that time and energy into implementing a simple email launch sequence we mapped out and coached him through executing.

The results?

Paul did 25k in sales of his course, while doing way less work than his previous launches demanded.

He said: "I found this was much more successful even though there was no webinar included. It means there is a lot less work involved as the webinars take a lot of preparation."

If you've been going it alone, banging your head against the wall with a mishmash of "growth hacks" and strategies that aren't getting results…

I'd love to show you what the opposite could look like.

To kick off February, we're looking for a fresh group of course creators, consultants, or coaches who want to start getting results like Paul in our 1:1 coaching program, Growth University.

My team and I will study your business, map out a custom plan to double or triple your revenue this year, and then coach you through executing it every step of the way.

If you want to see what it would be like to work together, here's what to do next:

  • Schedule a free strategy session at this link
  • We'll audit your business
  • Pinpoint your opportunities for growth
  • Show you what it would look like to become a coaching client and mastermind with me and other successful entrepreneurs

Our calendars are open but our time is limited, so grab your spot while they're still available:

Lock in your free Strategy Session with my team <<<

- Bryan

P.S. Here's how Paul described the changes in his business since he became a coaching client:

"My business was pretty good but I felt there was a lot of areas that could be improved. My signups have increased. I am converting more customers than before and sales are up a considerable amount. In fact, I did more sales in the first 8 months of this year than all of last year."

More sales in 8 months than he did the entire previous year.

If you want results like that, book a call here and we'll show you the plan for making it happen.