There are 2 ways to scale an online business:

Method #1: Mountain Climbing

This is how you had to do it in the old days.

  • Create tons of content
  • Try to get it to climb to the top of Google's rankings
  • Or buy your way to the top of people's social feeds
  • Or keep publishing until your mountain of content became impossible to ignore

High degree of difficulty. Exhausting. It's best to hire a sherpa (AKA expensive consultants). And you still might die before you make it to the top.

Fortunately, there's a second option.

Method #2: Island Hopping

Instead of climbing to the top of the highest mountain to build your audience... simply go where the audiences already are.


  • There are over 750,000 active podcasts
  • There are over 10 million Facebook groups
  • There are over 600 million blogs
  • There are over 31 million YouTube channels

Millions of little islands…

That have already done the hard work of building their own audiences...

And they all need the same thing:

Quality content to feed those audiences.

What if YOU became that content?

Quick example of this method in action:

  • Marisa Meddin is an online course creator
  • She helps parents and teens navigate the college admissions process
  • She identified a Facebook group called Road2College that hosts live trainings on college prep for its 40,000+ members
  • Marisa pitched Road2College on letting her teach their audience her best strategies:

The results?

Not only did she get 275 of the viewers to join her email list, she also generated 33 sales of her course (for a total of over 3k in revenue).

All from one short presentation.

This Wednesday, I'm going to show you exactly how to apply this "island hopping" approach to your business on a LIVE webinar called How to Build a 6-Figure Course or Coaching Business by "Borrowing" Other People's Audiences.

Click here to instantly register and save your spot on the live training. <<<

Sidenote: When you register, I'll also send you a PDF guide that shows you exactly how to pitch people on featuring your business to their audience, so you can get a head start on the training. :)

On the webinar, you're going to learn:

  • How to get featured on podcasts, webinars, Facebook lives, and email lists that have audiences full of your ideal customers
  • How to quickly identify 100+ "no brainer" partners in ANY niche who would be a great fit to promote you (even if you feel like nobody knows who you are)
  • The RIGHT and WRONG ways to pitch potential partners via email (with proven pitch scripts we've used again and again)
  • Why you don't need a large following or existing network to start landing partnerships with influential companies and people in your niche
  • And more

You don't have to spend years building your own audience from scratch to scale your business.

Let me show you a faster way to hit your sales goals this year:

Click here to instantly register for Wednesday's LIVE training + get the guide to writing killer pitch emails! <<<

See you there!

- Bryan