Imagine starting your business from scratch.

Zero leads. Zero clients. Zero momentum.

That's the situation Chaitra faced after going on maternity leave from her design business, Pinkpot Studio, last year.

"When I got back to business in 2020, everything had dried up," she said. 

As if that's not intimidating enough, she was also pivoting into a new niche—designing websites for Shopify businesses (and selling an online course on product photography).

And yet, before the year was over, she had made it the best one she'd ever had, passing 6 figures in sales for the first time.

To recap: 

  • Starting from scratch. 
  • Totally new niche.
  • In the middle of a pandemic.
  • Best sales year ever.

The coolest part?

She did it without buying ads, creating complicated funnels, or learning super advanced tactics.

Instead, she used two simple partnership marketing strategies that got her business featured to thousands of her best fit customers—bringing her a steady stream of leads that easily converted into sales.

Want to know how you can do the same?

I sat down with Chaitra and had her walk me through the entire process step-by-step. You can watch the interview and get all the details right here:

How Chaitra Radhakrishna Built a 6-Figure Customer Pipeline from Scratch Using Partnerships <<<


In this interview with Chaitra, you'll see:

  • How she quickly became a respected expert in an entirely new niche for her business
  • The 2 types of partnerships that fueled her growth to 6 figures in course and design service sales
  • How she identifies the right companies to partner with
  • Why partnerships work much faster than traditional growth tactics like blogging and SEO
  • And more!

Go here to check it out.

- Bryan

P.S. My team and I personally helped Chaitra achieve these results in our coaching program, Growth University. Want to see how we could help YOUR business do the same?

Let's talk! We just opened up a handful of free Strategy Session spots on our calendar for today and tomorrow.

  • We will coach you on how to use this simple approach to marketing to grow your business. 
  • It typically takes < 4 hours a week of your time. 
  • And allows you to focus on your customers and clients (instead of trying to master complicated marketing strategies like Facebook ads) 

Our calendar fills up fast, so go here to grab a spot while they're still available.