Pop quiz: What's harder to do…? 

a.) Sell 100 copies of a $200 course?
b.) Sell 1 copy of a $20,000 coaching package?

The answer might surprise you. 

Selling the really expensive thing is substantially easier for the simple fact that you only have to convince 1 person to purchase instead of 100.

Want proof? 

Three years ago I retired my $1,000 DIY course and since then have totally focused on our much more expensive coaching program.

  1. It produces better results for clients
  2. It gets much better reviews 
  3. It has single handedly 4x'd company revenue 

Want to learn how to create and sell your own 10k+ priced product? 

Check out my full 2,000+ word guide that details every step of the process.

Happy reading!

- Bryan

P.S. We're considering hosting a 4-week class where my director of marketing, Sam, personally coaches everyone on how to find and create their high ticket offer, set up the funnel, and then close their first client. If this is something you'd be interested in, reply and let me know. If we get enough interest, we'll do it.