Every Monday on our team call, we celebrate our client's self-reported "wins" from the previous week.

Last week was a record:

Pretty crazy, right?

A couple of highlights (without using names):

  • Hit $20k/month for first time
  • Filled a mastermind group for $4,200
  • Landed a $10k client
  • Sold first course for $5k
  • Landed a $40k deal
  • Did $10k in sales from webinar
  • Landed 3 new clients for $18k
  • Made over $100k in course sales
These client "wins" are literally all we care about. It's why we exist.

We don't celebrate our revenue as a team. We celebrate yours!

In fact, we're on track to help our clients generate $100M in revenue for their businesses.

If you want these kind of results, you're literally one call away from hitting "fast-forward" on your business' growth.

We'd love to have you on next week's "wins" list and part of the $100M group.

I've opened up spots tomorrow for 1:1 strategy calls. These will go fast, so don't wait, schedule now.

Click here to chat 1:1
