Here's the scenario:

You need registrants for a webinar.

You don't have a massive existing audience.

Facebook ads aren't an option.

What do you do?

Just got an email about a client who was in this exact situation and utterly crushed it. Here's how it went down...

The Client: Ian Bower, Founder of Graphic Rhythm

The Result: Ran a webinar that brought in $10,000 in revenue and added 1,000 subscribers to his email list.

The Challenge:

  • He runs a done-for-you graphic design company called Graphic Rhythm (check out the website—it's killer)
  • He created an awesome webinar called "How to Create Amazon Images That Convert"
  • It's packed with free value for one of his common types of customers
  • At the end, there's an offer for a package of services and resources that gives attendees a faster, easier way to execute everything they learned
  • He wanted to blow up webinar registrations and attendance
  • The target audience for the webinar is difficult to reach via Facebook ad targeting

He had a great product. He had a great way to sell it. He just needed to figure out how to get it in front of as many people as possible.

The Solution:

  • We gave him our playbook for landing and executing partnerships
  • He identified potential partners who had his ideal customers in their audience
  • He used our outreach scripts to pitch those partners on promoting the webinar to their audience
  • Several agreed
  • He ended up driving 1,000 registrations

Here's Ian on what made the plan work:

"This webinar was so successful in large part because I was able to leverage my partnerships to get people to register for it. Understanding how to approach partners made it possible for me to uncover some close connections I wasn't leveraging. I used the scripts that Growth U provided to pitch the idea to those partners."

Oh, and remember how I mentioned that Ian's target audience was difficult to reach via Facebook ads?

Now that he has an email list of 1,000 people who fit the audience, he's able to build a custom Facebook audience that will finally allow him to reach thousands more just like them.

(He always knew this was the most effective way to reach them via Facebook, but he didn't have the email list to do it—until now.)

He's going to promote an evergreen version of the webinar to this audience going forward, while continuing to leverage partnerships to drive registrations as well.

Why Ian Chose Us for Coaching:

"As a business owner, you very often feel like you're constantly breaking new ground. Even if you are actively learning, you still have to filter the garbage advice from the good advice and then action it. Then, if you don't get a good result you have to wonder if the PLAN sucked, or your execution sucked.

"By working with Growth U, I can be positive that the PLAN doesn't suck, and if something doesn't work, it's an execution problem. Then, it's easy to troubleshoot especially with the help of the coaching team.

"Growth U honestly gives me the clarity to understand what my plan is, stick to it (as much as possible! Ha!) and it gives me the confidence that what I am doing WILL work if I keep working it."

Want to see what our plan for growing YOUR business would look like?

Let us show you on a free strategy session.

Here's how it works:

  • Click here to schedule your call
  • You'll answer a few brief questions about your business, products, and goals
  • Our team will reach out to you at the scheduled time and walk you through what's working for our current clients (and how we would apply the same approach to your business)

Our goal is always for you to walk away with 1-2 ideas you could implement in your business—whether you become a client or not.

So if you want to dedicate a small portion of time this week to getting free strategy and guidance on your business, go here to schedule a call now.

- Bryan