If someone's first 3 product launches looked like this…

...you'd say they're doing something right, right?

That's what I said when I saw Adrienne Luedeking's latest launch results pop up on our weekly Client Wins report:

Most people would kill just to double their last launch's sales.

Meanwhile, Adrienne's over here setting her goal at 3x...and then hitting it.

When my team asked her how she settled on that goal, she said: "I set my goal for $60k because my previous launch had more than tripled my first launch (from a $6k launch to $20k) and I wanted to see if I could triple it again."

That's the kind of answer that makes me smile. :)

Adrienne runs a business called Fruitfully Alive (you should check it out!) that teaches people how to finance their dream life by freelancing. She runs a popular blog and sells an online course and coaching program called Freedom Through Freelancing (which is what she sold during her latest launch).

So, how did Adrienne's launch work? Here's her basic strategy:

  • She offers a free 5-day challenge
  • The challenge helps people decide their freelance niche (whether they're going to be proofreaders, virtual assistants, bookkeepers, etc.)
  • The structure is: 10 days of warm-up to get leads to join the challenge, 5 challenge days, 1 catch-up day, and then a celebration/open cart livestream
  • After the challenge ends, she runs a full-blown email launch sequence
  • At the end, she offers a downsell featuring the course without the coaching elements of the offer

What was different about this launch? A couple of things:

1. She got feedback from our coaches on key launch assets

"Growth University gave me much needed feedback on my challenge registration page and sales page. I believe the former helped my lead conversion and the latter helped my sales conversion. They are experts! With GU's guidance, I optimized my pages to appeal to an additional reason people were looking to start online freelancing: Covid-19. I also strengthened my copy so that it was more compelling and clear."

2. She was also able to drive more leads by outsourcing part of the launch

"I hired an excellent ads agency for this launch and that made a huge difference. I was paying $15/lead for the launch beforehand and with them that dropped to $2/lead."

Sometimes making progress means handing pieces of your launch over to experts. "Hiring" may sound boring, but it's a pretty darn effective growth hack.

Speaking of which—what's changed for Adrienne since she hired us to coach her?

Here's how she answered when we asked what life and business have looked like since she became a client:

"Before GU my efforts at growing my business were scattered and out of focus. I work hard on it every day, but I wasn't sure I was really going for the best opportunities, or spending my time on the right things, and hitting my income goals seemed like a far-away dream."

"Since joining GU, I have a targeted plan to work on every day, resources to help me, and coaches to give me feedback and get me unstuck. I know that with those resources, I am going to hit my goals this year."

One of those big goals is already out of the way. I can't wait to see what she accomplishes next.

Want to see what our plan for growing YOUR business would look like?

Let us show you on a free strategy session.

Here's how it works:

  • Click here to schedule your call
  • You'll answer a few brief questions about your business, products, and goals
  • Our team will reach out to you at the scheduled time and walk you through what's working for our current clients (and how we would apply the same approach to your business)

Our goal is always for you to walk away with 1-2 ideas you could implement in your business—whether you become a client or not.

So if you want to dedicate a small portion of time this week to getting free strategy and guidance on your business, go here to schedule a call now.

- Bryan

P.S. As we announced yesterday, the price of our coaching program is increasing by $1,000 on July 1. If you want to see if it's right for you (and get one last chance to become a client at the current price), schedule a call with my team before July 1.