At Growth Tools, our #1 company goal is to add $100 million in revenue to our coaching clients' businesses.

I know...

It sounds like one of those "Hey let's pick a number so big that it'll sound impressive and we'll still accomplish a lot if we only get halfway there" kind of goals. :)

But it's not.

It's 100% something we plan to hold ourselves accountable to. Both to our clients and the general public.

In fact, one of our big projects right now is a public-facing client revenue tracker that will show our progress in real-time. Here's a demo version to give you an idea:

Underneath that, you'll be able to see the individual client wins (we'll anonymize them) that have contributed to the overall goal. Here's an example with dummy data:


The goal is to keep ourselves accountable, be transparent, and to brag on our clients.

But since the fancy landing page version isn't ready quite yet, I'm going to just brag on them right here in the meantime. :)

Below, you'll see our current lo-fi version of the fancy landing page. A weekly Basecamp message for the entire company that recaps:

  • Total self-reported client wins from the last week
  • Total added revenue clients attributed to those wins
  • The Top 8-15 or so wins of the week

This was last week's:

111 total wins.

$56,095 in trackable added revenue.

First-time launches. New sales records. Goals exceeded. New clients and partnerships won.

tl;dr: our clients are freaking awesome. :)

Curious how they're making all of this happen?

It starts with the same basic process:

  • Clients let us look under the hood of their business
  • We create a custom marketing plan to help them hit their revenue goal
  • They get our internal playbooks for executing that plan
  • We coach them through implementing those playbooks and hold them accountable
  • They execute and report back

If you're craving focus, accountability, and a clear-cut marketing plan that doesn't involve buying ads or working insane hours, it's the kind of system you can thrive under.

Want to know exactly what it would look like for your business?

Book a free strategy call and our team will show you exactly what we would do to bring more revenue to your business.

Here's how it works:

  • Click on the link to schedule your call
  • You'll answer a few brief questions about your business, products, and goals
  • Our team will reach out to you at the scheduled time and walk you through what's working for our current clients (and how we would apply the same approach to your business)

Our goal is always for you to walk away with 1-2 ideas you could implement in your business—whether you become a client or not.

So if you want to dedicate a small portion of time this week to getting free strategy and guidance on your business, go here to schedule a call now.

A few weeks from now, I'd love to see your name come up on one of our Weekly Wins reports.

If you're ready to execute, we're ready to show you exactly what to do to grow.

- Bryan