Bryan here.

Some may think our 1:1 coaching program is only for course creators. 

It's not.

We just completed a "best-fit-customer" analysis (which we'll teach you how to do in the coming weeks) and you know who is also killing it in our coaching program?

Coaches, consultants, and service businesses.

What does killing it mean? See below:

  • R Blank (service biz) - went from $13k/month to $52k/month in 3 weeks
  • Val (coach/consultant) - Hit first $20k month in May (last week win)
  • Rai (coach) - Hit first $12k month in May (last week win)
  • Chad Allen (high-ticket coach) - additional $55k in revenue in 5 months
  • Shane (coach/consultant) - closed $10k client in May (last week win)
  • Chris Jones (service biz) - tripled monthly revenue to $33k/month
  • Abby Grace (service biz) - landed $60k worth of new clients in April

In fact, every week when we celebrate our client revenue "wins of the week" - coaches, consultants, and service businesses are often our top performers (and there are a lot of wins reported!)


If you're a coach, consultant, or service biz owner - we can help. As you can see above, you will get results.

I'll put together a personalized, step-by-step plan to take your business to the next level. Consistent $10k, $20k, $30k (and beyond) months are all on the table.

I've opened up our calendars for tomorrow (Friday, June 12) and have 15 time slots available so we can get on the phone and learn more about your business.

These will go fast - so if you're late to the party, we may open up some slots on Monday as well.

On the call, we'll share what's been working for us, take a look at some growth strategies that may work for your unique business, and give you the details of what it would look like for us to work together to grow your business to 6 or 7-figures in 2020.

We can only work with a limited number of clients each month and these free breakthrough strategy calls will go quick, so schedule it now.

Click here to schedule a time on the calendar

Talk soon!
