No matter what industry or niche you're in, one thing about it is almost certainly true:

Everyone and their mom is trying to sell an online course or coaching services related to it.

For example, look at all the course categories (and categories within categories) on Udemy right now:

I don't care what your topic is—there's more competition than ever.

So how do you stand out?

Is there really room for another course or coaching program to succeed?

My honest answer:

Abso-friggin-lutely… long as you can clearly show 3 things to your potential customers:

  1. Your story
  2. Your method
  3. Proof that it works

I call these the 3 raw materials of effective marketing.

This email is going to show you exactly how to pull them out of your course or coaching service so you can make sure it stands out.

#1: Your Story

This is simple.

How did you master the thing you teach people how to do through your course or coaching?

Back when I sold a course about email list-building, the basic gist of my story was this:

I tried dozens of ways to build businesses. All of them crashed and burned. Then I learned how to build an email list and everything changed. I earned enough from my first two launches to quit my day job and focus 100% on my business. All because of my email list.

That's an overly simplified version, but you get the idea.

Here's another simplified course creator story from Sarah Doody, a coaching client of ours who sells courses that help UX designers level up their careers:

Early in my career, I interviewed for my dream job and I did NOT get it. I was devastated. After consulting with a designer friend of mine, I realized that even though I was good at what I did, my portfolio was not reflecting that. I finally got serious about my UX portfolio and worked on it nights and weekends. Within 2 months, I was hired by an NYC startup.

Your story needs to illustrate the value of what your product or service allows customers to accomplish (and what it allows them to avoid).

For me, that value was building a business that gave you more freedom. Not having to bang your head against the wall with unreliable growth tactics that kept you stuck.

For Sarah, that value was landing your dream job. Not having to experience the devastating feeling of rejection on the interview trail.

What's your story?

#2: Your Method

Even though you might teach many methods / strategies, you need to boil down your overarching approach to as simple of a method as possible.

You need to be able to explain how your method is different from established norms. I want to "get it" quickly.

Here's a good formula I've found that'll get your wheels turning:

When most people want to [Insert Thing Your Course / Coaching Helps People Achieve], they:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

But here's the problem with that approach: [Explain Why That Approach Sucks.]

Instead, I help people do it this way:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

This works better because [Explain Why It's Better].

I put this template in a Google Doc right here. Make a copy of it to use for yourself. 

Again, I'll use my old email list-building course as an example of what this can look like:

When most people want to build an email list, they:

  • Try to write blog posts week after week
  • Post mindlessly on social media
  • Buy Facebook ads

Problem: these approaches either take forever or cost a lot of money. Plus, they're super hard to master.

That's why I teach people how to:

  1. Find influential brands in your industry/niche who already have audiences
  2. Convince those brands to promote your business to their audience with a simple partnership
  3. Convert the traffic and attention from those partnerships into a thriving email list

This allows you to gain instant credibility in your space and grow your email list way faster.

When your best-fit clients hear your method, it should make them say, "Ohhhhh! That's cool. I could do that. And I totally see how that would work."

Your method is the key element that will differentiate you from the sea of competing courses and coaches in your space.

All you have to do next is prove it works.

#3: Proof

This is where case studies and testimonials are your best friends.

Showcase your successful students or clients. Tell their stories. Ask them to describe life before and after using your product.

If you're just getting started, your own story might be your best proof. That's OK!

But remember that stories illustrating why your method works can be just as powerful as stories about why your product works.

For example, if you're launching a course for the first time, you likely won't have any customers who have gone through it, applied it, and achieved results.

But have you ever helped someone implement the method the course teaches?

Have you applied it to freelance clients who achieved impressive results?

Have you seen people you didn't even teach apply something similar to your method and get good results? Even those stories can be worth telling!

Your Action Items for the Weekend:

Set aside 30 minutes to do the following:

  • Sum up your story in a paragraph. How did you master the thing your course or coaching helps people accomplish? What result were you after?
  • Use the "Method Template" to differentiate your philosophy and approach.
  • Come up with one case study you can use to prove your method words (even if it's yourself).

For now, don't overthink these. Set a timer for 30 minutes and work without stopping. See what comes out. Iterate over time.


- Bryan