Want to improve the response you're getting to any offer in your business right now? I'm talking about ANY offer that you're counting on to drive leads or revenue. For example: - The lead magnet on your homepage
- A webinar you're running
- Your flagship online course
- Your most popular freelance service
- The annual plan for your SaaS
No matter what the offer is, you can improve it instantly with one basic test. Make sure it answers the following 3 questions in under 60 seconds: - What is it?
- How does it work?
- Will it work for me?
It's SO easy to invent complicated reasons why something isn't converting as well as we think it should. But if your offer doesn't answer those 3 questions in under 60 seconds, you're losing leads and customers. Why? Because confused people don't buy. Or opt-in. Or register. This quote I underlined recently says it best: Now, since I already experimented with this 3-question test on Twitter, I know the objections you probably have right now: Don't I need to capture attention before I start talking about my offer? Shouldn't I talk about the problems it solves first? Am I really supposed to answer those 3 questions immediately on EVERY web page that has an offer? STOP. Here's the key thing to remember: You only need to answer those 3 questions at the point you're introducing your offer/product. If it's high priced / complex, you might not be introducing your offer until your prospect has already read half of a long-form sales page. Or watched 40 minutes of a webinar. Or participated in a 30-minute sales call. If it's something simple and free, like the lead magnet on your homepage, it'll happen right away. For example, check out this homepage offer from Damon Wilson, who helps lacrosse goalies improve their game. Does it answer those 3 questions in under 60 seconds? - What is it? A free ebook for improving your lacrosse goalie skills.
- How does it work? It gives you 11 drills you can practice.
- Will it work for me? Check out the social proof right under the CTA.
Your homework for the weekend: - Pick the most important lead-gen offer in your business right now.
- Pick the most important sales offer in your business right now.
- Zoom in on the moment you're introducing the product/asset/service.
- Ask yourself how well it's answering those 3 questions within 60 seconds.
- Tweak until those answers are crystal clear.
The moments you introduce key offers are major "swing points" in your business. Make them even a little bit clearer and the gains can be big. Need a hand? Reply with a link to your offer after you've done Steps 1-5 and I'll give you my 2 cents. - Bryan |
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