What would you do in this scenario?

  • You're an online course creator. 🖥️
  • You do a "live launch" 2x per year to your email list. 🚀🚀
  • You want to scale your online course sales. 😤
  • You DON'T want to pester the crap out of your audience by doing more launches. 😬

Let's run through the first ideas that might be popping in your mind:

  • Idea #1: Buy Facebook ads? Meh. This can definitely work, BUT...figuring it out takes expertise + $$$ + trial and error. Risky.
  • Idea #2: Evergreen webinar? Effective if you nail the presentation + offer (hint: most people don't). Tech is a massive pain in the butt to set up. Lots of work. Hit or miss.
  • Idea #3: Optimize the launches? Sure. But this alone won't get you out of the "putting all your eggs into 2 yearly launches" predicament.

We suggested none of the above when Jamie Starcevich came to us with this exact scenario for Share-Worthy Design, her online course that helps freelance designers scale their business.

The Winning (and Waaayyyyy Simpler) Idea: Create a "Welcome Offer" email sequence that goes to every new subscriber on her email list.

  • We gave her tested "Welcome Offer" email templates
  • She repurposed existing educational content to fit the "warmup" part of the sequence
  • She repurposed existing launch emails into a simple sales sequence that ran at the end
  • We coached her through the process
  • We gave her feedback on every email
  • She hustled and implemented everything like a champ

The Results: 

  • She made $100k more in course sales alone over the next year than she had in the previous year.
  • The Welcome Offer gave her a steady stream of course revenue that kept her out of "feast or famine" launch mode.
  • It didn't cannibalize her launch sales.

But the coolest part was hearing Jamie describe how it felt to finally have a plan for scalable growth:

"I had SO many ideas, and felt overwhelmed on how to better serve my audience while scaling my program. Growth Tools coaching gave me clarity and focus to scale my course, with a step by step plan. I got my ROI back so quickly. Since joining one year ago I've made about $100k more sales from my course alone than previously. It was so helpful to have direct feedback on things like my specific course tiers, pricing my program, to downsells."

Want a clear, focused Marketing Plan for YOUR business?

Book a free strategy session and we'll walk you through the same process we used to pinpoint Jamie's path to growth.

Your plan might not look exactly the same—and that's the whole point. When you have a 100% custom plan built with your unique business in mind, confusion and overwhelm go out the window.

I'd love to show you how we'd design yours.

Click here to schedule a free strategy session.

- Bryan