What I learned about business from watching football
Random question: have you caught Monday Night Football lately?
They've started doing something, unlike any content format I've seen before. And whether you're into football or not, it's worth paying attention.
The regular MNF broadcast is still on the usual channel. But flip over to ESPN 2 and you'll get something entirely different. Instead of the standard commentary, you get to watch the game with Peyton and Eli Manning.
I say you get to "watch it with them" because that's what it actually feels like.
They're not in a fancy booth at the game. They're each broadcasting live from locations that make it look like they're tuning in from home.
They're also not talking like sportscasters typically do. It's WAY closer to the kind of conversation you might have while watching the game with your buddies at home. Except they both happen to be football geniuses with actual experience playing the game. Which means you end up learning things you never get from the typical broadcast. Plus, they're constantly digging into their network to pull in incredible guests, from Nick Saban to Brett Favre. It's like somehow lucking your way into an invite to the world's coolest watch party. You know what it reminds me of? The same feeling I had when I finally hired one of my first business coaches, Casey Graham. Instead of having to "watch the game" (AKA run my business) on my own, there was finally someone there to watch it with me. And not just anyone—a seasoned entrepreneur who had already done exactly what I wanted to do (build a multimillion-dollar business). He was there to point out all the little things I wasn't noticing before, even though they were right in front of my face. He was there to bring in other experts from his network when I needed them. I didn't have to piece together a strategy and plan from generic business advice anymore. He was there to walk me through exactly what I needed to focus on (and nothing more) in a 1:1 setting. That's what we're trying to make available to as many entrepreneurs as possible with Growth University, our monthly coaching service that guarantees your results. Unlike other coaching programs, we don't just hop on the phone with you every couple of weeks to listen through your latest challenges and try to piece together a strategy in the 20 minutes left at the end. Instead, we start by diving deep into your business and building a custom, step-by-step marketing plan designed to get you to your target revenue goal. Then, we break that plan down into weekly action items and coach you through implementing every last one. That means we're there to:
When you're feeling overwhelmed and aren't sure what to focus on, you'll have a marketing system that works and a trusted guide to help you take the next step forward. And since we guarantee you'll increase your revenue by at least $10k in the first 90 days, you'll have total confidence in every step you take. Want to know more?
There is a limited number of spots available for these Strategy Calls every week, so book yours now before they are gone. Imagine getting to finally focus on executing in your business, with expert guidance every step of the way, all while following a simple plan you're actually confident will work.
That's what you get at Growth University.
I can't wait to show you what it's all about.
Here's the link to book your call now.
- Byran
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