Are you making this mistake?
If your business isn't growing as you want, the trouble is one of these three buckets.
Hey, There are only 3 ways to grow a business:
We call this A-T-M for:
If your business isn't growing as you want, the trouble is one of these three buckets. Hitting your revenue goals is all about making each of these work better. Let's look at each bucket... Attracting leads happens with these 3 things: 1. Clearly defined niche (avatar and problem you solve for them) 2. Stable and scalable lead channel (affiliates, partners, seo) 3. Enough actual leads coming in (monthly lead volume) Trust is generated by three things: 1. Teaching how to solve the problem (podcasts, blog posts) 2. Sharing what it looks like to win (case studies, results) 3. Getting good engagement (replies, clicks, opens)
Monetization happens when three things are in place: 1. An irresistible offer that your best fit client drools over 2. Simple yet effective sales funnel (there are 3 main ones for coaches) 3. Producing repeat buyers (recurring or additional sales)
Make sense? Two action items for you: Action Item #2: Reply to this email with the area you found and we'll help you solve it. Looking forward to your reply! -Bryan
-- When you're ready to grow, here's how I can help you:
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