Last week, we published an epic guide that shows you exactly how to get influential companies and people to promote your business to their audience. You can use it to get interviewed on podcasts, promoted in email lists, or even featured on a partner webinar or live online training. (Basically, it'll help you put your biz in front of a warm audience that's primed to buy from you, even if you're just getting started.) And yet...I still found replies in my inbox with some version of the following excuse: "But Bryan, why would anyone want to feature ME? I don't know anyone!!" That excuse is why I not only spent the first section of the post showing you 15 places to find potential partners (even if you think you're a "nobody")... It's also why I included a nifty spreadsheet that will show you exactly which partners are most likely to say YES when you pitch them: You add your potential partners as you think of them… Answer a few questions about each one… And boom—it auto-calculates a "Strength of Lead" score so you can easily identify the low-hanging fruit. If you talked to any of the hundreds of businesses we've helped land partnerships over the past couple years, they'd tell you the same thing: This spreadsheet was the foundation of their outreach strategy. And now you can get a free copy when you read the post. So if you love the idea of a respected industry voice promoting your business to their audience… But you have no idea where to find one or how to approach them… Do this: - Check out the post
- Read the first section on how to identify your ideal partners
- Download the free spreadsheet and use it to discover your best opportunities
Just one partnership can put your business in a wildly different place than it is right now. So why not give it a shot? - Bryan |
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