We've got a 5 open seats in our Growth University Coaching Program.

Because course creators are my people. The first product I ever created was a course, and I love seeing people turn their experience into online courses that teach and transform lives. 

Over the years I've worked with 100s of course creators who are stuck and their growth either a) never took off or b) has flatlined. And that's tough. But, it always becomes a cakewalk once we are able to look under the hood of their business and find the HIDDEN GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES that they have overlooked. 

Let me explain :-)

Every business I've ever been asked to look at has a handful of overlooked opportunities for growth. 

Example #1: For Brian Dean it was updating the pricing structure of his online course. We made a few minor adjustments and they have added over $1,000,000 in revenue. (results)

Example #2: Marissa Meddin was procrastinating on launching her first online course until everything was perfect. We found a few small things she could do immediately and she did $3,000+ on her launch within 30 days. (results)

Example #3: Casey Graham was about to give a speech to a large audience at the Kajabi conference. We made a few recommendations on how to structure the talk. As a result, they got 270 new leads from stage and over the next 30 days close 11 accounts for just over $200,000 in revenue. (results)

Your hidden growth opportunities may be similar to the examples above… or they may be COMPLETELY different. But most business owners NEVER identify and take advantage of these opportunities.

As a result, they end up leaving $1000s in profit on the table.

Why aren't these opportunities discovered?

Because you are busy working IN their business and rarely take the time to step back and look at your business from 30,000 feet. It typically takes a fresh set of eyes to point them out.

Good news = that is exactly what we do in our 1:1 coaching program, Growth University.

1. We find your 2-3 best opportunities for growth.
2. Next, we put together a 100% customized marketing plan for your business.
3. Then, we coach you over the next 12 months and help you enroll more students into your online course.

Want us to look at your business? 

If so, here's what to do...

1. Click this link and schedule a call.

2. You'll have a quick chat with our enrollment specialists who will give you a detailed summary of how we can help and what we'll do in the program. Then you just tell them if you want to join.

3. You, me, and the team will identify your 2-3 best opportunities for growth, put together a custom marketing plan, and help uncover the hidden profits in your business!
