Back in the early days of Growth Tools (when it was still called Videofruit!) I tried a TON of different list growth strategies and experiments.

90% of them failed… 

~9% worked okay-ish… 

And then there was that ~1% of experiments that would make the hundreds of hours I spent on the failed and forgettable ones all worth it.

Those were the "holy crap maybe I actually won't have to beg for my day job back" experiments. I can still remember 2 of them like it was yesterday:

  • The time Noah Kagan's company, AppSumo, featured me in their newsletter (which sent me 4,000+ email subscribers)
  • The time Leadpages featured me on their blog (which was really popular at the time)

Neither happened because I had special connections or pulled off something crazy complicated.

They happened because I had simply emailed both companies...and asked.

In other words, I figured out how to write pitch emails that didn't suck.

And that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do LIVE on Facebook tomorrow at 11:30 AM Central (click here to get a reminder).

Knowing how to write good pitch emails is a freaking superpower for growing your audience and business.

It can make the difference between being another anonymous rando on the internet vs. having your heroes do things like:

  • Interview you on podcasts
  • Invite you to speak at events
  • Feature you on partner webinars
  • Email their audience about your business (yes, this really happens)
  • Let you write a guest post for their blog
  • Promote your products as an affiliate

Even if no one knows who you are.

Even if you only have a tiny list and little traffic right now.

Even if the thought of pitching someone makes you want to hide under the bed like the creepy old guy from Home Alone is knocking on your door.

(OK, actually, you DO have to be willing to summon at least a little bit of courage and put yourself out there. Otherwise I can't help you.)

I'm going to show you:

  • Examples of ACTUAL effective pitch emails (and dissect what made them work)
  • How to immediately grab attention so your email doesn't get ignored
  • How to make your "ask" without sounding awkward or salesy
  • And more

But you gotta be there LIVE at 11:30AM Central (12:30PM Eastern, 9:30AM Pacific) January 30th or you'll miss it.

So click here and I'll shoot you a reminder when I'm about to flip the camera on.

See you there!

- Bryan