Sales Brief: THANK U, NEXT

Hilariously bad sales pitches, how to properly engage with prospects, and more.
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I've come across my fair share of atrocious sales pitches, and I'm pretty sure you have too. We've assembled 12 seriously bad ones for you, some real-life examples and some from the movies.

So for this upcoming weekend, here's a light read—cause we all need to decompress every once in a while ;)

Enjoy these 12 hilariously bad sales pitches.

Ever been on the receiving end of a particularly bad pitch? Let me know on LinkedIn, I'm looking for sales horror stories. ;)

Go get'em!



12 hilariously bad sales pitches you should avoid as a salesperson

Have you ever walked away from a sales pitch knowing that you totally bombed? Here are some of the most hilariously awful sales pitches you'll ever see. Have a laugh and learn what to avoid next time around.


Sales engagement: What, why, and how + 8 tools that can help

To close deals, you need to have a robust strategy on how to engage with prospects. Here are the absolute best methods and platforms you can use to boost your sales engagement strategy.


12 Factors on why your sales force is afraid of the phone

Cold calling works, but it requires courage and confidence. Is your sales force afraid of cold calls? Here are the top 10 instigators that might be inciting fear into your sales reps and keeping them off the phone.


Sell me this pen: How to approach this tricky interview question

Is this just an outdated inverview question without merit? Or could there actually be a right and wrong way to sell the pen? There's actually more to learn from this cliché than you think.


10 Breakup email templates to close deals fast

We've all sent our fair share of cold emails. But are you prepared for when they don't respond? If you're less experienced with breakup emails, here are 10 templates that'll get those silent prospects talking.


Product strategy template: Focus your efforts with these 3 steps

Building and executing a product strategy is difficult. Why do it from scratch? Amplitude's got you covered with a free template that'll get you up and running in no time — plus they'll teach you how to use it!


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