If you had a gun to your head and had to create a $10,000 product, what would it be?

This question stumped me for years.

I heard about other people selling "high-ticket offers" constantly. But imagining what MINE would be felt impossible.

It's tough to conceptualize a $10k or even $5k offer when you're currently selling a course or service that's a fraction of the cost (or if you don't even have a product yet).

But that all changed when I discovered the T.A.P. Formula.

Now, I firmly believe that anyone who has expertise in something can build a $5k, $10k, or even $50k offer around that expertise.

In fact, by the end of this email, I will give you everything you need to have a firm grasp on what your high-ticket offer could be and how much you could charge for it.

  • Even if you don't currently have a product
  • Even if you've never charged a client anywhere near that price
  • Even if you don't have a big audience or lots of traffic

Ready? Buckle up.

How YOU Can Use the T.A.P. Formula to Brainstorm Your High-Ticket Offer in 15 Minutes or Less

I didn't realize how simple high-ticket offers are until I actually bought one a few years ago.

At the time, my online course business was gaining traction, but I wanted to hire a coach who could help me take things to the next level. The goal was consistent sales every month—not big spikes followed by long droughts. 

When I finally found a coach I liked, he gave me 2 options to choose from:

  • Option A: Self-paced online course that cost around $1,000
  • Option B: 1 day of 1:1 coaching for $10,000

I gulped, pulled out my credit card, and took the plunge with Option B.

It was the most money I'd ever spent on anything other than a car and a house in my entire life.

So you better believe I showed up to our 1-day session at eSpaces in Franklin, TN ready to squeeze every ounce of value out of it.

In the leadup to that day, I even went through his entire course start to finish (which was included with the 1:1 coaching session).

Now, here's the interesting part...

The training he delivered in person during the coaching session was basically the same as the training inside his self-paced course.

He didn't have to create ANY new content for that 1-day session.

The only difference was the level of access to him while he delivered the content.

Since we were together in person, I could stop him in the middle of the training and ask, "OK, how does that apply to me?"

I could get personalized feedback from him in real time.

He stood at a whiteboard and mapped out an entire plan for just MY business instead of referring me to a one-size-fits-all template.

That's when I had my "aha moment" about high-ticket offers:

Buying that $10k coaching session wasn't about the training. I could've gotten that from the course. 

I bought it for the access and perks that came with the offer. That level of deeper access—that personalized feedback in real time—allowed me to experience the kind of transformation in my business I'd never gotten from an online course.

Think of it like a football stadium...

The fans in the nosebleeds and the fans in the skyboxes are all watching the exact same game, right?


Yet the fans in the skyboxes paid 10x the cost of nosebleed tickets.


For access and perks.

Those are the only 2 ingredients that separate a high-ticket offer from anything else you might sell, whether it's a course or a service.

Seriously, look at ANY high-ticket offer out there and you'll be able to break it into 3 simple components:

  • Training
  • Access
  • Perks

This T.A.P. Formula is the only thing you need to know to come up with an idea for your high-ticket offer.

If you already have a product (let's say a course, for example), this is simple.

Your training is done—whether you want to deliver that training in person, virtually, or by simply giving your customers access to the course.

All you have to do is decide what kinds of access and perks you want to layer on top of it.

Types of Access You Can Add:

  • 1:1 email access
  • Group or 1:1 Voxer access
  • Private Slack or Facebook Group
  • In-person day with you (1:1 or group)
  • Weekly or monthly Zoom calls (1:1 or group)

Types of Perks You Can Add:

  • Done-for-you services (audits, custom plans, asset creation)
  • Second set of eyes on their work
  • Templates and tools
  • Special events
  • Client-only dinners

The more Access and Perks you add (and the more personalized they are), the more you can charge. 

Note: You don't have to overwhelm yourself with 100 hours of hands-on work if you don't want to! Some people spend as little as 1 hour of work per week fulfilling the "Access and Perks" parts of their high-ticket offer (like my buddy who layered Voxer access onto his course).

I've seen high-ticket offers range anywhere from $5k all the way to $100k. Try not to limit what's possible for yourself at this stage.


A client of ours named Chad Allen helps authors create book proposals and get published. He has a $997 online course called Book Proposal Academy that gives authors everything they need to know to craft a compelling nonfiction book proposal.

He also has a $5k high-ticket program called Book Proposal Academy Elite. The outcome of the training involved is similar to the course—you'll learn how to create an awesome book proposal. 


The biggest difference? You guessed it—access and perks. The high-ticket program also includes one-on-one coaching sessions and group coaching calls.

When Chad became a coaching client, we helped him add an additional $55k in revenue simply by following our approach to high-ticket sales and rolling out his program.

Don't have an existing training product? No problem.

Instead of taking months to create pre-recorded training, simply deliver the training live to your first high-ticket customers.

That might look like:

  • 4 live group or 1:1 Zoom calls
  • A 1-day in-person bootcamp

Show up, train your customers in whatever you're already an expert on, record it, and now you have your training content.


It's really that simple.

Now that you have an idea of what your High-Ticket Offer might look like—what if I personally helped you bring it to life and get your first 10 customers?

That's what you'll get when you grab one of the 12 spots left in the High-Ticket Mastermind I'm putting together in April.

How it will work:

  1. 1:1 call w/ me to kick things off
  2. 4-week LIVE training led by the expert who created my high-ticket offer and runs our sales, Sam Hill
  3. Custom marketing plan to create your offer, funnel, and generate leads (without buying ads)
  4. 1:1 coaching to help you land your first 10 customers
  5. Voxer mastermind group with 15 other business owners where you can get direct feedback from Sam and me

All you have to do to learn more and see if it's a good fit is book a free Strategy Call with my team:

Go here to book a call now while they're still available.

  • You'll send us a few details about your business in advance.
  • On the call, a member from my team will walk you through the High-Ticket program + coaching offer.
  • If it seems like a good fit (and spots are still available) you'll be able to join us.

Again, spots are limited and when they're gone, they're gone—so if you're at all interested in scaling your business with a High-Ticket Offer this year, go here to schedule a time with my team now.

- Bryan