On Tuesday, I told you about the "mastermind guest" strategy that Michael DeLon used to generate 102k in new client revenue...

  • He found a mastermind group full of his ideal clients
  • He pitched the group's leader on hosting a 1-hour online training for its 30 members
  • During the training, Michael taught his method for publishing a bestselling book on Amazon
  • After the training, 5 of the members hired Michael to help them implement what he taught—6 figures for his business in one fell swoop

Simple. Straightforward. Repeatable. 

Today, I want to show you how he did it—so you can duplicate the same strategy in your business.

I hopped on Zoom with Michael and grilled him on all the nitty-gritty details to show you how this approach is done. You can see it all right here:

How Michael DeLon Generated 102k in New Clients from a Single Guest Training <<<


If you want to get more customers by simply getting in front of the right audience and TEACHING (instead of constantly marketing and selling yourself), you need to see this.

Go here to check it out.

- Bryan

P.S. My team and I personally helped Michael implement this strategy in our 1:1 coaching program, Growth University. Want to see how we could help YOUR business do the same?

Let's talk! We just opened up a handful of free Strategy Session spots on our calendar for today and tomorrow.

  • We will coach you on how to use this simple marketing strategy to grow your business. 
  • It typically takes < 4 hours a week of your time. 
  • And allows you to focus on your customers and clients (instead of trying to master complicated marketing strategies like Facebook ads) 
Our calendar fills up fast, so go here to grab a spot while they're still available.