"It's like no stress compared to a lot of the other ways we have to market."

That's how Dustin Riechmann described the repeatable strategy he's used to sell over 30k in meat snacks online since December.

(Yes, meat snacks—more on that in a second.)

Every time he implements this specific strategy, he expects to get:

  • ~4k in immediate sales
  • ~10k in lifetime sales
  • All without spending a dime of his marketing budget

And no, this is NOT some random niche tactic that only works for ecommerce businesses. :)

So if you sell coaching, consulting, or courses, listen up.

Because you can duplicate the same approach to generate a steady flow of customers who are pre-conditioned to buy from you.

Here are the full details of how he's pulling it off:

Who? Dustin Riechmann

His Business: He's a partner and head marketing guy at FireCreek Snacks — a better-for-you protein snack company (think of their products like high-end, craft versions of Slim Jims).


The challenge? These guys are competing in a SUPER crowded market. There's probably a new competitor starting every week and making similar quality claims. 

Dustin had already tried the conventional tactics for getting more customers…

  • Going to in-person trade shows 
  • Facebook ads
  • Content marketing

Pre-COVID, the trade shows were effective but came with lots of stress.

As for paid ads and content...

"It's a really slow burn and it's expensive," Dustin said.

The solution: Dustin joined our coaching program, Growth University, and we showed him how to get more customers by simply borrowing other people's audiences.

What the heck is that?

Well, there are a variety of ways to do it, but the one that's been working again and again for FireCreek Snacks is simple:

Getting interviewed on podcasts.

Seriously—that's it. 

Here's how it worked:

  • First, we helped him identify podcasts likely to have his ideal customers in their audience
  • Then, we gave him proven scripts for pitching those podcasts on interviewing him
  • 7 out of 7 podcasts he's pitched so far said YES (even though he had zero connections to them)
  • From the 3 episodes that have aired, FireCreek Snacks has already generated 12k in direct sales
  • Dustin expects that total to increase to 30k (factoring in customer lifetime value)
  • And all he had to do was hop on a call, tell his company's story, and let listeners know how they could buy the product

Why does this work so well? Dustin says it's all about the format:

"That format—you get on there for 30 minutes or an hour and the spotlight's on you. And people really grow to know, like, and trust you almost immediately."

What if selling your product were as simple as having a conversation, telling your story, and sharing how you can help people?

I would love to show you how your business could get results like Dustin's.

Today and tomorrow, my team is standing by to jump on a free Strategy Session call with you (book your spot here) where we will...

  • Put on our "VP of Marketing" hat and take a deep look at your business
  • Walk you through the exact steps you could take to scale up to 10k, 20k, or even 50k per month using this approach
  • If it's a good fit, give you an invite to our 1:1 coaching program—where we will personally help you get your business in front of 1 new audience every week

Click here to schedule a time with us while spots are still available!

- Bryan