So...we've never done this before, but super excited to have the bandwidth on our team now to offer it.

This week I told you that I'm looking for the next great case studies - specifically a group of highly-motivated course creators, coaches, and service biz owners who want to hit steady $10k to $20k months very quickly.

I'm limiting who we take on to 15 - and our team has been swamped vetting out great fits this week.

The #1 pre-req for this group is business owners who are willing to put in the work - so we thought we'd offer a unique opportunity for the hustlers out there :)

Our team is literally "standing by" waiting for your application and will call you immediately.

Typically, we schedule out calls weeks in advance but today - if you're an owner who needs to grow, like...right now - we're giving you that opportunity.

Just click here and push the "call me now" button and our team will be in touch ASAP (and if things go crazy we'll still be in touch via phone/text to setup the best time for you)

That means results like these are closer than ever...

  • R Blank - went from $13k/month to $52k/month in 3 weeks
  • Chad Allen - additional $55k in revenue in 5 months
  • Chris Jones - tripled monthly revenue to $33k/month
  • Dustin - $15k in sales in 2 weeks (best sales period ever)
  • Abby Grace - landed $60k worth of new clients during a pandemic!
  • Lisa Cressman - had a $50k new course launch
Let's do this!
