How do you prove the ROI of your products or services to customers?

If you know how to answer that question, generating sales becomes 10x easier.

For most businesses, one of the easiest ways to prove ROI is sitting right in front of their faces: tell customer success stories.

Social proof. Testimonials. Case studies. Whatever you want to call them, you know what I mean—stories or results that showcase the "before and after" effect of your product.

The catch? Most people suck at collecting them.

Trust me, I used to be one of them.

But earlier this year, we made one simple tweak to our approach that's allowed us to literally 25x the number of client wins we're documenting for our 1:1 coaching program (I know that number sounds crazy, but it's real).

  • The old system: We recorded about 20 client wins per month.
  • The new system: We're recording 500+ client wins per month.

What changed?

Recently, my friend Joel Klettke's company Case Study Buddy grilled us on our entire system for a post on their blog.

You'll learn:

  • How to systemize collecting social proof from your customers
  • Simple ways to turn client wins into marketing and sales assets
  • Why you should be regularly sharing customer stories with every department/team in your company

I revealed all that and more in the blog post:

How Growth Tools Collects Over 120 Client Wins Every Week (And How You Can Too) <<<

- Bryan

P.S. Below, you'll find a screenshot of our Top 11 client wins from last week. If you want to see how your business can start generating wins like these, we'd love to chat with you.

Book a free Strategy Session and we'll walk you through the exact steps we'd take to increase your revenue and help you grow faster.