This may seem a little backwards... How do you start your week? Confession: I start mine a little backwards. Most people use it as a time to quickly plan how they're going to make this week a success. Instead, I take a few minutes to look back on what made last week a success. I navigate over to our "Last Week's Wins" page and take note of our clients' biggest wins from the previous week. Like Jeremy, who already lined up a boatload of leads and sales for his upcoming course launch: And Amanda, who brought on yet another valuable new client: And Rajiv, who's crushing revenue goals left and right these days: Nothing beats celebrating wins to kick off the week. Could you use a few like these? Check out this free training about the "BOPA" system the clients above are using and how it could work for your business (no opt-in required). It's your ticket to a consistent stream of traffic and leads that easily convert into customers (without buying ads). Check it out so you can head into next week with a monster win under your belt! - Bryan Growth Tools, 1910 Madison Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Unsubscribe Manage preferences
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