Feeling stuck in your business?

I don't know one person—no matter how successful they are—who has not experienced that feeling.

If you're in it right now, there is a simple exercise that never fails to pinpoint the area of your business that's causing the problem.

First, zoom out.

At a high level, business growth is not complicated. There are 3 core pieces:

  1. Attract: You need leads coming in the door
  2. Teach: You need to build trust with those leads by showing them your expertise (especially if you sell courses, coaching, or consulting services)
  3. Monetize: You need an offer that solves a problem for your leads

If your growth has stalled, you can bet 1 of those pieces has gotten wonky.

For course creators and coaches who are struggling, the issue almost always boils down to #1 (not enough leads) or #2 (ice cold leads that don't trust you).

Those 2 pieces of the puzzle are so important that, if you get them right, you can kiiiiinda screw up #3 and still get decent results.

Your product doesn't have to be perfect if you have a good volume of leads who trust you. They will still buy it.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around.

You can have the world's greatest product, but it won't matter if you don't have leads or the leads you do have don't trust you.

This is where my advice differs from most online marketing experts.

  • The common solution to a LEADS problem is Facebook ads. 

    After all, there's never been an easier way in the history of the universe to instantly put your business in front of eyeballs.

    But unless you're an expert at interrupting people who don't know you, getting them to click, nurturing them with an expertly-crafted funnel, and converting them with a 100% dialed-in webinar, sales page, offer, etc. you can end up blowing through $10k in a flash.
  • The common solution to a TRUST problem is content marketing. 

    Blog every week. Jump on the social media content hamster wheel. Publish, publish, publish.

    This can work great! But it heavily depends on your ability as a writer and your patience. You can spend years publishing your face off before people start to take notice or Google starts throwing you traffic.

What if you had a simple way to generate high-quality leads who INSTANTLY trust you instead of spending months or years trying to crack the code on the usual approaches?

Like Jacob Ratliff, for example.

Jacob is a marketing coach and consultant who owns a business called Asheville Marketer.

Instead of trying to get clients exclusively through building his own audience with blogging and Facebook ads, we showed him a different approach:

Use other people's audiences instead. Here's what I mean:

  • He identified several influencers in the marketing space who had podcasts his ideal clients were likely to listen to
  • We showed him how to pitch them on interviewing him on their podcasts
  • Several said yes, including Chris Guillebeau at Side Hustle School
  • This gave Jacob and his business instant credibility in front of 1000s of his ideal customers
  • He sold $20k in coaching services as a result

When Chris Guillebeau featured Jacob to his large audience, he instantly transferred the TRUST his audience has in him onto Jacob.


This meant that Jacob was not only able to generate traffic and leads from his podcast appearances...it meant all of those leads were people who now already trust him, too.

Which makes converting them into clients 10x easier than if he'd met them by shoving an ad in their face on Facebook.

This is a form of what we call partnership marketing—getting a trusted person or company in your industry to feature your business to their audience (whether it's in a podcast interview, webinar, Facebook Live session, guest post, etc.).

It's one of the strategies we help all of our coaching clients (like Jacob) implement in our coaching program, Growth University.

And like I mentioned yesterday, the price of Growth University is going up by $1,000 on September 30 so we can get even more hands-on with our clients.

For example, when you become a client, we no longer just coach you through finding and booking partnerships...

We will actually identify a prime potential partner in your niche AND write a pitch to that partner for you—so you can get your first win even faster.

And that's in addition to everything else you get as a client:

  • Unlimited 1:1 coaching
  • A private mastermind group with 15 of your fellow coaching clients
  • A complete audit of your business by our expert coaching team of 6- and 7-figure entrepreneurs
  • A custom marketing plan built for your business
  • Done-for-you project management and accountability to keep you on track

So if you're at all interested in no longer having to figure everything out on your own…

To have us in your corner 24/7…

To finally have a FOCUSED plan to grow your business that you actually feel confident in…

Now is the time to get all the details about our coaching program before the price goes up on September 29.

Click here to book a call with our team so you can learn more, ask questions, and lock in the current rate for life before it increases.

There are only 20 spots available this month, so book your call before they're gone.

- Bryan

P.S. Curious what kinds of results our other clients are getting? Jacob's not the only one tearing it up. :)

Check out our "Last Week's Wins" page to see all of the self-reported progress that businesses just like yours are making inside the program.