Would you ever just completely DENY using a strategy that your coach told you to implement…?

Michelle did… Until it made her $262,000.

Michelle is a course creator. She's awesome.

She used to do typical course creator things…

Create content.

Run FB ads. 

Lead magnets.

You know the drill…

Chances are you're doing some of those things too if you're in the course or coaching business…

But what if, like Michelle, there was a forgotten strategy that you're hardly tapping into, but has the potential to make you $100,000 or more this year by itself (regardless if you already have momentum or just getting started).

What if I told you this strategy takes 1/10 of the time that content creation does…

And what if I told you that this strategy was SUPER HARD TO MESS UP…

SO hard to mess up, that 95% of our students use this strategy with massive success.

Oh, and did I mention it costs $0 to implement?

If you've been following Growth Tools for any amount of time, you know we're HUGE on helping our students use partnerships to grow their course and coaching businesses.

In fact, we've developed a whole program where we help you find partners with thousands of your dream customers in their back pocket, then pitch them for you…

AKA: Industry leaders promoting YOUR THING to THEIR LIST.

Inside the program, our team of 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs will:

-Create a 100% custom marketing plan for you.

-Help you execute that plan over the next 12 months (with iterations every 90 days to account for your growth).

-And give you unlimited coaching, accountability, and support along the way.

If that sounds like what you need right now - let's chat 1:1 - just click here to schedule a complimentary strategy session.

Did I mention that Michelle's husband is contemplating retirement now due to her success?

Man, I love this stuff!

Talk soon,

