A few months back I had an idea...

What if we took all of our knowledge on creating and selling online courses and put it in 1 blog post?

Not just the strategies we used back in the day to bring in over $1 million in ARR for our own online courses…

But also the strategies we're using right now to help 100s of coaching clients launch courses in tons of different niches. (Like Jacob McMillen, who generated $11,000 before even creating his online course using our pre-sale process.)

The result is a mega-post that will help you turn your knowledge on any topic into a profitable online course, start to finish:

How to Create and Sell Online Courses: The Process We've Used to Validate and Launch More Than $1M in Yearly Course Sales <<<

You will learn:

  • 4 steps to picking a course topic people will actually buy
  • The pre-sell strategy 1 of our clients used to generate $11,000 in sales before creating his course
  • The exact email sequence you should use to launch your course
  • How (and when) to use discounts, bonuses, and down-sells to maximize your launch

Go here to get the entire step-by-step process to creating and launching your online course.

Get ready to hit that "bookmark" button. :)

- Bryan

P.S. Don't miss the $220k course sales page example in Section #5.