How to improve your sales conversations (webinar)

Next week, we're hosting a new live webinar about how to use conversational selling to close more deals with our friends from Drift and

Whether you like it or not, today's buyers are changing the way they make purchasing decisions... and you need to adapt so that you're selling the way today's B2B companies want to buy. In this webinar, we're covering how to embrace a conversational sales approach that involves tools to start real-time conversations with prospects, tactics to engage inbound leads quicker, and how to have better conversations (that convert into more deals) with your prospects. We're talking about:

  • Encouraging real-time conversations with prospects (and converting them)
  • Understanding the dramatic shifts in buyer decision-making today
  • Quickly and effectively engaging with inbound sales leads
  • Using personalized outreach campaigns to start conversations
  • Tips, tools, hacks, and live Q&A

Drift-Chorus-Close Webinar Graphic (1200 x 630)

You'll hear from Drift VP of Marketing, Dave Gerhardt, VP of Sales, Joe Caprio and I as we talk about the state of conversational selling today—and how you can close more deals by leveraging real-time conversations with your prospects. If you hope to adapt your sales process to the ways B2B buyers are actually making purchase decisions today, then this is a must-watch event.

Click right here to claim your spot and register for the webinar.

Can't make it live? Well, as long as you register right now, I'll make sure you get a recording of the webinar, even if you can't make it next Wednesday.

See you there!

Go get'em!

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